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The News with Sen. Cruz - March 28, 2014

This week I introduced legislation to embrace the Great American Energy Renaissance. We have an opportunity to jumpstart the economy and bring high-paying jobs to cities across Texas and the nation. All we need to do is get the government out of the way. For far too long, the government has stifled opportunity and this bill will help Americans to do what they do best— dream, innovate, and prosper.

Please keep reading for an update on the latest in the Senate.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz

The American Energy Renaissance Act

On Thursday, Sen. Cruz and Congressman Jim Bridenstine, R-Oklahoma-1, introduced complementary legislation, S. 2170 and H.R. 4286, to empower the private sector to create good-paying, American jobs and spur economic growth by harnessing our nation’s energy resources and removing federal impediments to energy exploration, development and trade. These bills will also provide a real reset of our foreign policy so we are no longer beholden to unfriendly nations for our energy needs, and can use our own resources to exert our influence around the globe, notably in Ukraine.

“We are on the cusp of a Great American Energy Renaissance that will create both a stronger economy and a stronger America,” said Sen. Cruz. “The energy revolution that is already underway can produce the jobs and opportunities that our country needs to grow. A booming new energy economy can also provide critical resources to our allies so they are no longer energy dependent on petro-tyrants, such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin.”

Both bills will prevent federal regulation of hydraulic fracturing, facilitate the expansion of domestic refining capacity, improve processes to develop energy infrastructure, stop EPA overreach and its war on coal, force Congress and the President to approve any new EPA regulations that kill jobs, broaden energy development on federal land, open offshore exploration, expand U.S. energy exports, and dedicate additional revenues to debt reduction.

Read the full release and see the bill here.

Sen. Cruz Votes to Sanction Russia and Stand with Ukraine

On Thursday, Sen. Cruz voted to pass a Russia sanctions bill and support for Ukraine -- after Democrats agreed to strip out controversial provisions to expand funding for the International Monetary Fund. "This is a proud moment for the United States Senate," Sen. Cruz said. "Republicans and Democrats agreed to send a unified message to the world: The United States will stand with the people of Ukraine and against Russia's aggression. I hope we continue with proactive measures, such as signing a free trade agreement with Ukraine and exporting vital energy resources to the nation, to encourage economic growth in Ukraine and also benefit the United States. We must, however, remain vigilant and continue to signal to Putin that we understand his larger agenda, and that the United States will vigorously defend our national security interests."

Earlier this week, four Republican senators joined Sen. Cruz in sending a letter to Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid providing notification they will support an objection to the Ukrainian aid package unless a vote is held to strip out language regarding International Monetary Fund changes. Read the full letter here.

Defeating the IMF provisions was a significant victory for conservatives. Read how the Daily Caller described it here.

Sen. Cruz supports Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties

Hobby Lobby
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On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz joined activists in supporting religious freedom and the First Amendment in front of the Supreme Court, as oral arguments for the cases Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius were heard.

"The Supreme Court has the opportunity to affirm our fundamental right to religious freedom," Sen. Cruz said. "Time and time again, President Obama has granted exemptions to the politically powerful, yet refuses to grant the same leniency to those for whom Obamacare's contraception mandate infringes on their beliefs. I urge the court to unequivocally stand up for the First Amendment rights of all Americans and stop the government from forcing employers with valid religious objections to violate their faith."

Last January, Sen. Cruz, joined by Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, Mike Lee, R-Utah, and David Vitter, R-La., filed an amicus brief defending Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties against Obamacare's contraception mandate.

Read the full statement here.

Sen. Cruz Questions DoD Spending on Algae Fuel Over Troops

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In a Senate Armed Service Committee hearing on Thursday, Sen. Cruz questioned the Defense Department’s spending priorities as it considers eliminating Marine battalions.

Sen. Cruz asked, “Is it your view that the Department of Defense is going to somehow revolutionize the study of algae or alternative energy, is that really the core function of the Navy, at a time when the Navy is proposing, for example, cutting 5,000 Marines, eliminating two Marine infantry battalions? Obviously, your job is to prioritize, and my question is which is a higher priority, preserving those two Marine infantry battalions or continuing to research algae fuel in the hopes that somehow the world energy market can be transformed by the Navy’s research?”

In Case You Missed It

  • Sen. Cruz speaks with Neil Cavuto – WATCH
  • Sen. Cruz speaks with Mark Levin – LISTEN
  • Washington Examiner: Ted Cruz: The Russians are 'openly laughing' at Obama - READ