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Sen. Cruz Statement on National Day of Prayer:

Free exercise of religion and freedom of conscience are paramount to a free society

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today released the following statement honoring the National Day of Prayer:

“Today is a reminder that America remains a prayerful nation.

"The National Day of Prayer is a celebration of the power of prayer and our uniquely American freedom to worship. As we bow our heads in prayer, let us give thanks for the blessing of liberty.

"Since our country’s inception, Americans have cherished their faith. We are all the children of those who have risked everything for freedom. We must vigilantly protect our right to practice that faith, enshrined in the First Amendment.

"Our history shows that faith and freedom are intertwined. America has always been a land where every citizen is free to seek out God Almighty with all our heart, mind, and soul, free from government interference. We must make sure it stays that way. Free exercise of religion and freedom of conscience are paramount to a free society.

"In both times of joy and hardship, we pray. We give thanks and we seek comfort. We pray for those in need now.

"Let us remember in our prayers today those who are suffering from the deadly storms that have struck the nation. Pray for our first responders and the members of our Armed Forces who rush to danger to keep us safe. And, pray for all those who face daily struggles in finding work and providing for themselves and their families.

"Please join me in lifting them and everyone else who is in your hearts up today, on this National Day of Prayer.

"And, let us remain grateful for the ability to pray together, as one nation, under God.”
