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Tremendous Victory for Supporters of Religious Liberty

Sen. Cruz issues statement about City of Houston's decision to withdraw subpoena

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today released the following statement in response to the City of Houston withdrawing its subpoenas requiring pastors to submit sermons:
“Supporters of religious liberty have just achieved a tremendous victory," said Sen. Cruz. "Today is an answer to prayer.  Last month, the City of Houston issued a subpoena demanding that five pastors hand over their sermons and correspondence. Together, thousands rose up and told the City to withdraw that subpoena.  Americans defended our right to worship freely without fear of government intimidation, sending a message that was so loud and strong the City of Houston could not ignore it.  And the City of Houston complied, withdrawing the subpoenas altogether."
“Pastors across Houston – across denominations, racial and ethnic lines – all came together in support of religious liberty.  As always, I was proud to stand with the pastors, and I applaud their courage for speaking up, and drawing national attention to the ongoing attacks against people of faith. May this strengthen our resolve to defend our liberty and always uphold our God-given rights."
