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Sen. Cruz: Keystone XL A Good Step But More Needs to Be Done

President Obama should not stand in the way of jobs

WASHINGTON, DC -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today issued the following statement regarding the Senate’s passage of legislation to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.
“Today the U.S. Senate took an important step toward doing the job President Obama refuses to do: approving construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and jumpstarting an American Energy Renaissance,” said Sen. Cruz.  “Approving Keystone is a step in the right direction, but we need more. America needs a strong pro-jobs energy agenda that will free us from the Obama economy’s persistent stagnation and spur economic growth.
“Embracing the American Energy Renaissance should be the number-one pro-growth priority of the new Congress. We must empower the private sector to create good-paying jobs by harnessing our nation's energy resources and removing federal impediments to energy exploration, development and trade. Unleashing our energy renaissance will create a stronger economy, a stronger America, and free America and its allies from dependence upon petro-tyrants such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin.”
