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The News with Sen. Cruz - December 5, 2014

This week I was pleased to speak with veterans on the importance of standing with the men and women of our military. Right now it is essential that we recognize the sacrifice of our troops combatting Ebola, and I have introduced a bill to ensure they are justly compensated for putting their lives at risk. Sen. Cornyn and I have also introduced legislation that would extend Purple Heart eligibility to the 14 men and women who were killed by a radical Islamic terrorist at Fort Hood in 2009.

America’s leadership rests on a strong defense, and we are grateful to every member of the Armed Forces who keeps us safe.

Please keep reading for an update on the latest in the Senate.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz

Sen. Cruz Addresses Concerned Veterans of America

On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz addressed the Concerned Veterans for America and discussed the need for American leadership in the world.

Click to view video

“I introduced legislation just a couple of weeks ago providing that our soldiers who had been deployed to Africa to fight Ebola, should be eligible for combat pay,” said Sen. Cruz. “Any soldier who is subject to a 21 day quarantine, any soldier who is risking his or her life, his or her family’s life with a deadly, terrifying disease, is taking on a risk comparable to the risk of going to combat and risking an enemy bullet. Existing law doesn’t allow that. It is my hope that we’re going to see some bipartisan agreement in changing existing law so that we can recognize the sacrifices being made by the men and women in the military.

“We are also, hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, going to be taking up the National Defense Authorization Act. I serve on the Senate Armed Services Committee and one of the things that I was pleased to work with my colleague, Senator Cornyn, on was introducing an amendment to the NDAA that provides that the fourteen men and women who were murdered at Fort Hood by Nidal Hasan would be eligible for the Purple Heart.”

Sen. Cruz Urges House to Curb President Obama’s Amnesty

On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz released a statement regarding funding proposals that are being considered by Republicans in the House.

"This November's election was a referendum on executive amnesty, and the American people overwhelmingly oppose President Obama's illegal amnesty. Republicans in Congress should use every tool at our disposal-our constitutional checks and balances-to stop President Obama's amnesty,” said Sen. Cruz. “The Senate should use its constitutional authority to halt confirmations for non-national security positions, until the President stops this illegal amnesty. And both Houses should use the power of the purse, which the Framers understood to be the most potent tool Congress has to rein in an out-of-control Executive.

"We should pass a short-term continuing resolution that includes language defunding the implementation of the President's executive action on amnesty.

"Nearly a dozen Senate Democrats have publicly expressed concerns about President Obama's executive amnesty. Support for the President's lawlessness decreases by the day, and House Republicans should provide Senate Democrats the opportunity to show voters whether or not they have heard the message the voters sent in the 2014 elections."

Read the full release here.

Sen. Cruz Rejects Attempts by Self-Serving Politicians to Exploit NDAA

On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz issued the following statement regarding provisions contained in the House's FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act.

"The decision to attach an extreme land grab to the NDAA is a disservice to members of the Armed Forces," said Sen. Cruz. "With the military's shrinking budget, it is offensive that this bill would be used to fund congressional pork. And, at a time where jobs are scarce and the federal government has removed billions of acres of land from productive use, Congress should not be restricting more than a half-million new acres. The House and Senate should reject this attempt by self-serving politicians to exploit the men and women of the military to serve their special interests."

Non-security, extraneous provisions in the new version of the NDAA include:

  • 250,000 acres of new wilderness designations
  • 400,000 acres withdrawn from productive use (for energy, mining, timber, etc.)
  • Fifteen new national park units or park expansions
  • Eight new studies for national parks
  • Three new wild and scenic river designations, 3 new studies for additional designations
  • Study to begin the National Women's History Museum