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The News with Sen. Cruz - December 19, 2014

As the 113th Congress concludes, it’s remarkable to think about the past two years, and all the incredible battles we have waged for liberty. It’s a privilege and an honor to represent each of you, and I am proud of all that we have accomplished.

One recent victory I’m particularly proud of is Congress’ recent passage of a measure I introduced to ensure that the brave service members impacted by the 2009 Fort Hood terrorist attack are eligible to receive the Purple Heart. This recognition is long overdue and rightly honors those victimized.

I hope you are able to enjoy time with loved ones this holiday season, and I wish you a merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah, and a blessed New Year.

Please keep reading for an update on the latest in the Senate.

All the best,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz

Sen. Cruz’s Measure Granting Purple Heart Eligibility to Fort Hood Victims Heads to President’s Desk

Last week, Sen. Cruz announced that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2015 includes legislation he sponsored to allow the victims of the 2009 terrorist attack at Fort Hood to receive the Purple Heart.

Purple Heart
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The legislation, supported by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, will expand eligibility for the Purple Heart to include members of the Armed Forces who have been killed or wounded in an attack inspired or motivated by a foreign terrorist organization.

“It’s long past time to call the Fort Hood attack what it was: radical Islamic terrorism,” said Sen. Cruz. “And, this recognition for Fort Hood terrorist victims is overdue. The victims and their families deserve our prayers and support, and this legislation rightly honors them for defending our nation in the face of a heinous act of terror.”

Read the full release here.

Sen. Cruz Statement Opposing President Obama’s Changed Policy with Cuba

On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz spoke with Wolf Blitzer on CNN and released the following statement about the President’s announcement to change U.S. policy with Cuba and lift economic embargos:

Wolf Blitzer
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“We rejoice that Alan Gross’ wrongful imprisonment by the brutal Castro regime has finally come to an end, and that he will be able to spend the holidays with his loved ones. But make no mistake, although we are glad Alan is now free, the agreement the Obama Administration has entered into with the Castro regime has done nothing to resolve the underlying problem. Indeed, it has made it worse.

“Fidel and Raul Castro have just received both international legitimacy and a badly-needed economic lifeline from President Obama. But they remain in control of a totalitarian police state modeled on their old state sponsor, the Soviet Union. Their government can continue to detain individuals like Alan Gross indefinitely without process—as the many political prisoners still languishing in the Castros’ prisons can attest. They retain their close, long-standing ties with hostile nations, notably Russia, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela. They will continue their support for terrorist organizations from FARC to Hezbollah and Hamas.

“The President spoke today about a new era for relations between American and the Cuban people, but these circumstances do not bode well for either. We have seen how previous Obama administration attempts at rapprochement with rogue regimes like Russia and Iran have worked out, with our influence diminished and our enemies emboldened. Now they are revisiting this same disastrous policy with the Castros, blind to the fact that they are being played by brutal dictators whose only goal is maintaining power. And if history be our guide, the Castros will exploit that power to undermine America and oppress the Cuban people. First Russia, then Iran, now Cuba – this is one more very, very bad deal brokered by the Obama Administration.”

Sen. Cruz Stands with Texas Against President Obama’s Executive Amnesty

Sen. Cruz this week joined an amicus brief in support of a lawsuit brought by the State of Texas and joined by over 20 other states against President Obama’s illegal amnesty.

“President Obama is not only blatantly defying the Constitution by refusing to faithfully execute our nation’s immigration laws; his amnesty policy is harming millions of Texans and Americans,” Sen. Cruz said. “By unilaterally granting amnesty to nearly five million people, the President is inviting even more illegal immigration, which hurts working men and women who have entered the country legally and further strains state governments.

“The President has no authority to ignore or rewrite the law. In so doing, the President violates his oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. I am proud to stand with the State of Texas in upholding the rule of law against President Obama’s brazen power grab. This is a critical step to restoring the Law of the Land and celebrating legal immigration.”

In its lawsuit challenging the President’s executive action, the State of Texas argues that President Obama’s executive amnesty violates federal immigration law and usurps Congress’ constitutional authority to set immigration policy.

The amicus brief, filed by the American Center for Law and Justice, makes clear that the President’s executive action “changes the law and sets a new policy, exceeding [the President’s] constitutional authority and disrupting the delicate balance of powers.”

Senators John Cornyn, R-TX, and Roy Blunt, R-MO, also joined the amicus brief, as did more than 20 Representatives.

Read the full release here.

Sen. Cruz on Fox Regarding President Obama’s Executive Amnesty

On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz spoke with Fox News’ Bret Baier to discuss his constitutional point of order to defund President Obama’s illegal executive amnesty.

Bret Baier
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“What the president did is unconstitutional. We’re facing a constitutional crisis and in my view it was critical. This Saturday after the fight we had, we had the very first vote on President Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty. That’s what I was pressing for, that’s what others were pressing for. And I think it mattered to honor our commitment to the voters, to force that vote,” Sen. Cruz said.

He continued, “I am not trying to play the rules of Washington, because I think Washington's broken, I think it's profoundly broken. And I think the only answer is to change Washington…. In my view, the only way we can turn this country around is if the American people rise up and hold every one of us accountable. So I'm not trying to play the Washington rules, I'm trying to change the rules and make elected officials, myself included, accountable to the people who elected us.”

Read the full release here.

Earlier that day, Sen. Cruz penned an op-ed in Politico explaining his recent effort in the Senate to stop President Obama’s amnesty. Read the full op-ed here.

Sen. Cruz Bill to Aid Military Heroes Fighting Ebola Introduced in the House

Last week, the House of Representatives introduced companion legislation to Sen. Cruz’s bill to ensure that members of the Armed Forces combatting the spread of Ebola in West Africa are entitled to appropriate tax benefits.

Rep. Beto O'Rourke, D-Texas, filed the bipartisan companion legislation, H.R. 5804, in the House and it is co-sponsored by Texas Republican Reps. John Carter and Roger Williams. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, has signed on as a co-sponsor of Cruz's Senate bill, S. 2965.

"Once our Armed Forces are placed in harm's way, Congress, and the Commander-in-Chief have a responsibility to support them and to provide security for the families who remain behind while they face danger," said Sen. Cruz. "The morbidity rate of Ebola poses a substantial danger to those who have been sent to combat it and, for the first time, this risk extends beyond the battlefield and directly threatens the safety of their families. Congress should give these service members the appropriate recognition and respect for their service in times of grave danger, and I am honored to work with Sen. Cornyn and Reps. O'Rourke, Carter and Williams on this legislation."

Read the full release here.

In Case You Missed It

Laura Ingraham
Sen. Cruz speaks with Laura Ingraham

Sean Hannity
Sen. Cruz speaks with Sean Hannity on stopping President Obama’s amnesty

  • Sen. Cruz measure to stand with Israel against Hamas passes Congress – READ
  • Sen. Cruz votes against NDAA package that fails to protect our vital national security interest – READ
  • Sen. Cruz votes to defund executive amnesty – READ