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The News with Sen. Cruz - July 31, 2015


July 31, 2015


Under this Administration, we've witnessed the IRS act as a liberal weapon, abusing its power and targeting innocent conservative groups. This week, I held a hearing where I questioned IRS Commissioner John Koskinen about the agency's illegal activity. The IRS has been considered by the American people to be an abusive agency for so long that, for many Americans, it has become the embodiment of what's wrong with government and what's wrong with Washington.

I remain committed to limiting overreach of the federal government and will continue fighting to protect hardworking taxpayers.

Please keep reading for an update on the latest in the Senate.

Keep Texas strong,

TC Sig
Ted Cruz


Sen. Cruz: The IRS’ Abuse of Power Is Profoundly Dangerous to Liberty 

Sen. Ted Cruz on Wednesday held a hearing on the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) targeting of conservative groups.

In his opening statement, Sen. Cruz remarked, "If the IRS has become a partisan arm of the Democratic National Committee, there can be no stronger argument for ending the IRS as we know it, so that no Administration, Democrat or Republican, can use the IRS to target its political opponents. If a Republican president did this, as Richard Nixon tried, I can assure you I would be every bit as loud and clear that it is an abuse of power. And for a Democratic Administration to do this and to find Democratic defenders of this abuse of power is profoundly dangerous to the liberty that is the basis for the incredible miracle we call the United States of America."

Read the full release here.

Sen. Cruz Calls on the U.S. Department of Justice to Enforce the Criminal Laws and Investigate Planned Parenthood

On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz attended the Students for Life of America #WomenBetrayed Rally on the East Front of the U.S. Capitol.

“I call on the U.S. Department of Justice to enforce the criminal laws and investigate Planned Parenthood. I call upon state and local law enforcement to investigate the local affiliates of Planned Parenthood in terms of whether they have violated the criminal law. I call upon the United States Congress to hold hearings into whether Planned Parenthood is a criminal enterprise violating the federal criminal laws...And I call upon the United States Congress, right now, today, to stand up and lead and to defund Planned Parenthood,” Sen. Cruz said.

Read the full release here.

Conservatives Successfully Defeat Egregious Corporate Welfare: Export-Import Bank Remains Expired 

On Thursday, the Senate passed a long-term highway reauthorization bill. Immediately following its passage, the Senate approved a three-month highway extension, which the House passed earlier in the week. This short-term extension did not include a provision to resurrect the Export-Import Bank and has been sent to the president for his signature.

“Just one week ago, the Washington Cartel was certain that the Export-Import Bank -- a quintessential example of cronyism and corporate welfare -- would be reauthorized. The fix was in. And yet, after a long battle on the Senate floor, as Mark Twain might say, reports of Ex-Im's revival were greatly exaggerated,” Sen. Cruz said.

Read Sen. Cruz’s full statement here.

Sen. Cruz Introduces Legislation Clarifying Congressional Review Period for Iran Nuclear Deal

Sen. Cruz on Thursday introduced a resolution, S. Res. 238, defining the start of Congress’ 60-day review period and detailing flaws within the submittal of the agreement. On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz assembled key grassroots leaders from wide-ranging political backgrounds to organize opposition to the Iran nuclear deal.  

Sen. Cruz’s grave concerns over what he has called the Administration’s “catastrophic” Iran nuclear deal also surfaced in an Armed Services Committee hearing on Wednesday when Secretary John Kerry refused to apologize to families of American soldiers killed by Iranian-supplied IEDs in Iraq on the orders of General Qasam Soliemani, who will receive relief from economic sanctions under the terms of this deal. 

Read the full release here. 

Sen. Cruz Continues Investigation into Administration’s Handling of Unaccompanied Alien Children

Sen. Cruz recently sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry asking more questions about a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) document that appears to contradict key aspects of the Administration’s policy regarding the handling of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC).

“I have asked for additional information from Secretary Burwell, and I am now looking to hear from Secretary Kerry about the Department of State’s role in its handling, or mishandling, of the UAC issue,” Sen. Cruz said. “I am looking forward to hearing from Secretaries Burwell and Kerry, and also looking forward to helping the American people obtain the accuracy and transparency they deserve.”

Read the full release here.

A Regional Update from Deputy Regional Director Kris Robles


Kris Robles grew up in Lubbock, Texas and graduated from the University of Texas, Austin with a degree in corporate communications. He first began working for the United States Senate as the veterans’ affairs liaison for Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.

“It’s an honor to be able to assist veterans on behalf of Sen. Cruz,” Robles said. “Each veteran has given part of himself to our great nation, and it’s rewarding to be able to help.”


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