September 18, 2015
This was a special week for patriots as we celebrated Constitution Day on Thursday. The Constitution, crafted by our Founding Fathers, acts as a chain to bind the mischief of government and to protect the liberties endowed to us by our Creator. The Constitution was created to lend power to government — not to give it — to lend it, and to lend it I would suggest only in good behavior. Unfortunately, we’ve witnessed the Obama Administration wield power not granted to it time and time again — especially in the case of the Iran nuclear deal. I have fought this deal from the beginning and remain committed to the fight. Additionally, I am working tirelessly to defund Planned Parenthood, an organization that seemingly profits from the bartering and selling of aborted babies’ body parts.
This is a pivotal time for our country, and I will keep fighting to protect our constitutional rights.
Please keep reading for an update on the latest news on the Senate.
Keep Texas strong,
 Ted Cruz
Remembering Constitution Day
On Thursday, Sen. Cruz released a video affirming that in America, sovereignty resides with We The People.
Watch the full video here.
ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Op-Ed in POLITICO: We Can Stop the Iran Deal and Here’s How to Do It
On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz cast another vote supporting a resolution of disapproval for the Iran nuclear deal. He has also outlined a three-step plan that would enable Majority Leader McConnell and Speaker Boehner to block the deal. Sen. Cruz laid out his approach in an op-ed for POLITICO last week:
“First, both leaders should formally declare that President Obama has not submitted the agreement to Congress as required by Corker-Cardin… Second, Leader McConnell should schedule a vote on a resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that, if the agreement had been introduced as a treaty, it would not be ratified… Third, given President Obama’s regrettable history of lawlessness, it is reasonable to assume that he will simply ignore the law and declare that he is lifting sanctions under the agreement anyway. On that assumption, we should make clear to the CEOs of banks holding frozen Iranian funds that their misplaced reliance on the president’s lawlessness would not necessarily excuse them from the obligation to comply with existing federal sanctions laws.”
Read Sen. Cruz’s op-ed in its entirety here.
ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Op-Ed in USA Today: End Planned Parenthood Funding
A few weeks ago, Sen. Cruz penned an op-ed for USA Today, urging congressional action to block Planned Parenthood funding and calling for the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into potential criminal actions within the abortion industry.
“The abortion industry places more value on killing babies than it does on the sanctity of human life, and under no circumstance should it receive taxpayer funds. This is more than a mere fiscal matter - this is a moral issue. How we handle this issue reflects who we are as Americans and what we value most - either the lives of the most innocent and the health of our nation's mothers, daughters and sisters or the fiscal solvency of an industry that exists to abort babies,” Sen. Cruz wrote.
Read the op-ed in its entirety here.
A Regional Update from North Texas Regional Director Jason Wright

This week, North Texas Regional Director Jason Wright addressed the Asian American Hotel Owners Association, where he discussed Sen. Cruz’s efforts to fight regulations that hurt small businesses. Wright also spent two days at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, meeting with senior management and federal representation to gain a better understanding of the airport’s operations, which account for 10 percent of the region’s gross domestic product (GDP).
Prior to his role in the Senate, Wright worked in the private sector and has over a decade of entrepreneurial experience. Wright currently coordinates with coalition leaders throughout the state and helps mobilize groups on key issues affecting Texas.