September 25, 2015
This week, I continued leading the fight to protect the lives of unborn children and to ensure not a penny of taxpayer dollars is directed to Planned Parenthood, a private organization under criminal investigation. When video evidence surfaced depicting the barbaric selling of unborn baby parts by Planned Parenthood, Americans of conscience —both pro-life and pro-choice— were understandably shocked. This is more than a fiscal matter, it is a moral issue.
I remain resolved that Congress should not consider any legislation that gives federal money to Planned Parenthood, and I will continue to defend human life.
Please keep reading for an update on the latest in the Senate.
Keep Texas strong,
 Ted Cruz
Sen. Cruz Op-Ed in POLITICO: The Republican Party’s Surrender Politics
As the fight to defund Planned Parenthood continues, Sen. Cruz this week penned an op-ed for POLITICO:
“…We can win if we take the case to the American people. Show the Planned Parenthood videos. Stand united. If Obama follows through on his threat to veto funding for the federal government, we should force him to defend that radical position. Planned Parenthood is a private organization, not even part of the government. That’s worth repeating…If Republican leadership actually tried to win, we would vote on one bill after another funding specific parts of the federal government. Fund it all, and let Democrats explain why they are filibustering funding for vital services in order to give $500 million to a private organization under criminal investigation,” Sen. Cruz wrote.
Read Sen. Cruz’s op-ed in its entirety here.
Sen Cruz: Without Life, There Is No Liberty
On Tuesday, Sen. Cruz voted in favor of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would stop abortions from being performed on babies older than five months. After Senate Democrats blocked the legislation from moving forward, Sen. Cruz made the following statement:
“Today, Senate Democrats voted against protecting children, capable of feeling pain, by blocking legislation that would stop abortions from being performed on babies older than five months. Despite the Senate’s refusal to take up this legislation, I am confident that one day America will end the horrific practice of late-term abortion. Until that day comes, I will stand resolutely with those fighting to protect the most precious gift of all: life itself. Each life is a gift from God. Without life, there is no liberty.”
Read the Sen. Cruz’s release in its entirety here.
Sen. Cruz: Sen. Cruz Op-Ed in the Federalist: Pope Francis Leads on Abortion, Marriage, and Religious Liberty
In recognition of Pope Francis’ visit to the United States this week, Sen. Cruz penned an op-ed for The Federalist, applauding Pope Francis for boldly and unabashedly standing for life, marriage, and faith:
“Pope Francis has spoken to the world, proclaiming the inherent truth and goodness of life, marriage, and religious liberty. I am grateful for his leadership on these central issues. In an era when many global leaders are descending to relativism, his courageous defense of the dignity of the human person, the beauty in the sacrament of marriage, and the duty to speak for those who are persecuted is a light to the world of the scriptural truths that are ever-present in our lives,” Sen. Cruz wrote.
Read Sen. Cruz’s op-ed in its entirety here.
Sen. Cruz: Sen. Cruz: Pope Francis’ Message Inspires Us to Protect the Dignity of Each Person, Born and Unborn
Following Pope Francis’ congressional address on Thursday, Sen. Cruz issued the following statement:
“It was an honor to have Pope Francis address Congress. It was a powerful call for all of us to set aside pettiness and partisan divides and come together with shared values to solve the very real challenges facing this country, and I hope that is a message that is heard on both sides of the aisle. Pope Francis is a powerful voice for life. He is powerful voice for marriage. He is a powerful voice for religious liberty. Pope Francis is a great spiritual leader, and his message inspires us to work tirelessly to protect the dignity of each person, born and unborn, and to, like President Lincoln and Reverend King, pursue justice for all, and to engage in public dialog with humility and wisdom,” Sen. Cruz said.
Read Sen. Cruz’s statement in its entirety here.
Sen. Cruz: The Refugee Flow Out of Syria Must Be Treated as a National Security Risk
On Wednesday, Sen. Cruz sent a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, Secretary of State John Kerry, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey. In his letter, Sen. Cruz acknowledged the need to address the humanitarian crisis in the region, but also shared grave concerns regarding the Administration’s intent to import tens of thousands of individuals from Syria and elsewhere who have not been properly vetted for ties to ISIS, al Qaeda, al Nusra and other radical Islamic terrorist groups.
“In the current threat environment – with an Administration that seems more intent on responding to the interests of the world than the needs of the American people – Congress has an obligation to be vocal and, if necessary, resist this effort. To be clear, this has nothing to do with immigration policy and everything to do with national security. Congress needs much more information before we can allow the United States to engage in a process that could wind up spending taxpayer dollars to import terrorism, much less fund that process,” Sen. Cruz wrote.
Read Sen. Cruz’s letter in its entirety here.
Sen. Cruz: America Must Confront the Truth About Chinese Oppression
On Thursday, Sen. Cruz delivered a speech on the Senate floor asking colleagues for unanimous consent to his resolution that would rename the plaza in front of the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. as “Liu Xiaobo Plaza,” after Dr. Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner who has been imprisoned, along with his wife, Liu Xia, for seeking basic human rights denied to him by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Detained in 2008, Dr. Liu continues to be unjustly imprisoned under the authority of PRC President Xi Jinping. Dr. Liu is most notably known for publishing “Chapter 08,” an anti-Communist manifesto calling for political freedom and human justice. Sen. Cruz invoked the example of the bipartisan legislation passed by Congress to rename the street in front of the (then) Soviet embassy “Andrei Sakharov Plaza” in solidarity with the courageous Russian dissident, and called on his colleagues to apply this honor to Dr. Liu on the eve of President Xi’s visit.
Read Sen. Cruz’s remarks and watch video of him speaking here.