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Sen. Cruz Remains Committed to Stopping Illegal Immigration

Calls on Republican leadership to attach the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act to “must-pass” legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement after Senate Democrats displayed yet another act of senseless partisanship, filibustering the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act (S. 2146):

“Today, the Senate had an opportunity to send the message that defiance of our laws will no longer be tolerated. While Senate Democrats chose partisan loyalty over protecting the lives of Americans, I will continue fighting to stop illegal immigration. 

“Defiance of our immigration laws is inexcusable. Sanctuary cities and the illegal reentry offenders that they harbor are a threat to the safety of the American people. And they must end now.

“The reason I introduced Kate’s Law was because the Obama Administration is failing to adequately deter illegal aliens who have already been deported from reentering the country illegally.

“The problem of illegal immigration in this country will never be solved until we demonstrate to the American people that we are serious about securing the border and enforcing our immigration laws.  Congress must prevent cities from harboring illegal aliens, and it must hold this Administration accountable for its failure—if not its outright refusal—to enforce federal immigration laws and ensure the safety and security of the American people.

“Serious leadership is needed to right this country’s course, and today the Senate had an opportunity to hold the president accountable to following the rule of law and tenets of the Constitution. While it is commendable that Senate leadership scheduled today’s bill, we should not do what we normally do in Washington—pull back from a fight because of an initial legislative setback.  I look forward to continuing efforts to halt President Obama’s negligent immigration law enforcement and urge Senate leadership to attach this bill to ‘must-pass’ legislation and actually fix the problem.”
