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ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Op-Ed in The Dallas Morning News: 'Thank a Small Business This Weekend by Shopping Small'

"Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy"

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today penned an op-ed for The Dallas Morning News in recognition of Small Business Saturday, underscoring the important role small businesses play in economic growth and job creation in Texas. 

“Texans understand that prosperity doesn’t come from Washington,” Sen. Cruz wrote. “Government agencies do not drive the economy. Small businesses all across our state create jobs, drive up wages, and grow the economy. In Texas, whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, you understand that people want jobs, and that small businesses are powerful job creators.”

Cruz continued: “Small Business Saturday is upon us, and I encourage all Texans to embrace the small businesses in your area. Whether you are out for a meal with your family, beginning your Christmas shopping, or checking off end-of-the-year maintenance work, remember to ‘shop small’ this weekend. Say thank you to the hardworking small-business owners and mom-and-pop shops across the state that provide jobs for our residents, tax revenue for our communities, and fuel to grow our economy. They are the economic engine that keeps Texas strong.”

Read Sen. Cruz’s op-ed in its entirety here and below: 

Thank a Small Business This Weekend by Shopping Small
The Dallas Morning News
By: Sen. Ted Cruz
November 25, 2016

This week, families across America gathered in the name of Thanksgiving to reflect upon the blessings in their lives. Indeed, here in the great state of Texas, we have plenty for which to be thankful, including a strong, dynamic economy and millions of small businesses that provide good-paying jobs to hardworking Texans. 

It is only fitting that this weekend, on the heels of Thanksgiving, we celebrate Small Business Saturday and recognize the tremendous contributions of each and every entrepreneur across the Lone Star State. As a kid working for my parents, small-business owners themselves, I experienced firsthand the ups and downs of running a small family business. Entrepreneurs sacrifice every day, and it is by no means easy, but our state depends on these pioneers. 

Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy. They employ 4.4 million Texans, almost half of our workforce, and represent nearly 99 percent of businesses in our state. And still, there is much room to grow.

As I’ve traveled across Texas, from Waco to Dallas, from San Antonio to Laredo and to many communities in between, I’ve had the opportunity to hear directly from entrepreneurs about the damaging effects that Washington regulations have had on their businesses. 

The EPA’s unlawful Waters of the United States rule has strained farmers and ranchers. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has continued to grow in power and magnitude, issuing one rule after another and making it harder for small businesses to thrive, without any accountability to Congress or the American people. And the Justice Department’s Operation Choke Point has punished law-abiding small businesses, such as firearms sellers, that don’t align with the president’s political persuasions. This string of abuses from unelected bureaucrats is unacceptable, plain and simple, and I have fought in the Senate to get these government agencies off the backs of Texas small businesses.

Obamacare has perhaps presented the most devastating attack on small business. This disastrous and costly law has crippled small businesses across the country and robbed Texans of good-paying, full-time jobs. In Texas and across the nation, we are now all too familiar with the infamous "29ers," Americans who have been prevented from obtaining full-time work thanks to Obamacare’s mandate to provide costly benefits to anyone working 30 hours or more. It’s yet another example of the devastating costs of good intentions: Millions of Americans cannot find full-time work, nor do they have access to affordable, employer-provided health insurance.

That’s why earlier this month, in a stunning election, the American people issued a mandate to their representatives in Washington to finally repeal Obamacare. I’m hopeful that my congressional colleagues on both sides of the aisle will join me to end Obamacare once and for all. If we replace Obamacare with patient-centered health reform that puts workers and their families in charge of their health care dollars and decisions instead of D.C. bureaucrats, America’s small businesses will thrive once again. 

Texans understand that prosperity doesn’t come from Washington. Government agencies do not drive the economy. Small businesses all across our state create jobs, drive up wages, and grow the economy. In Texas, whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, you understand that people want jobs, and that small businesses are powerful job creators. 

If our economy grows and thrives, if small businesses prosper, expand, and hire, that means the lives of working men and women -- of plumbers, farmers, bakers, truck drivers and more -- will improve.

Small Business Saturday is upon us, and I encourage all Texans to embrace the small businesses in your area. Whether you are out for a meal with your family, beginning your Christmas shopping, or checking off end-of-the-year maintenance work, remember to “shop small” this weekend. Say thank you to the hardworking small-business owners and mom-and-pop shops across the state that provide jobs for our residents, tax revenue for our communities, and fuel to grow our economy. They are the economic engine that keeps Texas strong.


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