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ICYMI: News Coverage of Cruz Letter to Smithsonian Institution

Cruz Urges Museum to Fairly and Accurately Reflect the Life of Justice Clarence Thomas

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  Numerous news outlets have taken note of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz's (R- Texas) letter to the Smithsonian Institution yesterday. In it, he urged museum leaders to include an accurate legacy and biography of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

“As much as I am grateful for the museum and its efforts to preserve and promote the indispensable, yet oft-neglected, contributions of African Americans to the collective history of our nation, I believe the museum has made a mistake by omitting the enormous legacy and impact of Justice Thomas, as well as his compelling background,” Cruz wrote.

Read the letter in its entirety here.

Following is a summary of news coverage:

AP: GOP senator: Museum ignores Clarence Thomas’ accomplishments
“Republican Sen. Ted Cruz says the Smithsonian has made a mistake by not including the "extraordinary accomplishments" of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in the new National Museum of African American History and Culture… In the letter, Cruz says the first and only other African-American Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall, is briefly praised in the museum. He suggests an exhibit on Marshall and Thomas and their different judicial approaches.” 

The Blaze: Ted Cruz writes letter demanding that Clarence Thomas be added to African-American History Museum
“Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz wrote a letter Monday urging the Smithsonian museum of African-American History and Culture add Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to its museum…Thomas has not been included in the museum, which opened earlier this year, despite being one of the most influential black lawyers in American history, and one of only two black judges to ever grace the Supreme Court.” 

Breitbart: Ted Cruz: African American Museum Should Include Clarence Thomas Exhibit
“Cruz, along with six other GOP senators, introduced a resolution that said Thomas should have a “prominent place” in the museum, the Hill reported… ‘In a quarter century, Justice Thomas has carved out one of the more profound and unique legacies in the court’s history,’ Cruz added…Cruz said Thomas’s character and achievements deserve a permanent place in our nation’s historical record.” 

Conservative Review: Must-read Letter: Ted Cruz Calls on Smithsonian to Correct Clarence Thomas Snub
“United States Senator Ted Cruz is calling on the leaders of the Smithsonian Institution to include a fair portrayal of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s legacy in the museum’s “Making a Way Out of No Way” exhibit…In a letter addressed to the African-American museum director, Sen. Cruz described Thomas’ life as “uniquely compelling in the annals of United States history, African-American or otherwise” 

CNN: Cruz: Give Clarence Thomas a place in the African-American museum
“Sen. Ted Cruz says the new African-American museum honoring black history has made "a mistake" by not featuring Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas… Cruz, a former Supreme Court law clerk, said he became "deeply disturbed" to discover Thomas' omission from the museum…‘I am simply requesting that a fair and accurate portrayal of his powerful story be included, for the great benefit of millions of future museum-goers," Cruz wrote.” 

The Hill: Cruz: African-American museum needs Clarence Thomas exhibit
“Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) says the Smithsonian's African-American history museum should feature Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in its exhibits… Cruz was one of six GOP senators who introduced a resolution earlier this month arguing Thomas should have a ‘prominent place’ in the museum. In his letter, Cruz proposes an exhibit comparing Thomas and Marshall.”

Red State: Cruz Seeks To Have Justice Thomas’ Legacy More Prominently Displayed In Smithsonian
“Texas Senator Ted Cruz is going to bat for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the second African-American to hold a position on the nation’s High Court… Cruz petitioned the Smithsonian Institute, asking that they correct the mistake that resulted in Thomas’ legacy being reduced to a short mention of the Anita Hill scandal during his confirmation hearing.” 

Washington Free Beacon: Ted Cruz Demands Recognition of Clarence Thomas in New Black History Museum
“In a letter to the museum’s curators, Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) wrote he was ‘deeply disturbed’ by the omission, hailing Thomas as ‘an African American who survived segregation, defeated discrimination, and ascended all the way to the Supreme Court’… Cruz said Thomas’ rise as ‘an intellectual leader’ on the high court given his difficult upbringing deserved full recognition.”

The Washington Times: Ted Cruz ‘deeply disturbed’ by Clarence Thomas omission from African American history museum
“Sen. Ted Cruz has called on the Smithsonian Institution to recognize Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas‘ “incredible contributions to the country,” saying he was “deeply disturbed” to learn that the black conservative does not have a prominent display at the National Museum of African American History and Culture…Mr. Cruz wrote a letter to Smithsonian leaders on Monday, saying they “made a mistake by omitting the enormous legacy and impact” of Justice Thomas from the recently opened museum in northwest Washington.”

The Weekly Standard: Cruz Asks Smithsonian to Correct 'Mistake' of Obscuring Justice Thomas at Museum
“Texas senator Ted Cruz petitioned the Smithsonian Institution Monday to correct what he called its "mistake [of] omitting the enormous legacy and impact of Justice Thomas" at the new National Museum of African American History and Culture…The museum has received criticism for allegedly slighting the nation's second African American justice… The former Supreme Court clerk suggested that Thomas be featured more prominently alongside former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first African American on the High Court.”
