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Sen. Cruz Statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) released the following statement marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day:

“Today, we pause to remember all victims of the Holocaust, including the six million Jews who were murdered as part of a deliberate, genocidal campaign that sought to exterminate the Jewish people. We commemorate the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland on January 27, 1945 and honor the courageous survivors who endured such unspeakable evil. They provide living testimony to one of the darkest chapters in human history. We must never forget the horrors that were committed by the Nazi regime and we must categorically reject attempts to distort history by denying or minimizing what truly occurred more than 70 years ago. 

“Fortunately, the Allied Powers were victorious during World War II. But, while the evil of anti-Semitism was defeated, it was not eradicated. This vicious hatred is again spreading across the world and must be combatted in all its forms. We must speak and stand up with moral clarity against those who threaten our survival to ensure the solemn and sacred vow of ‘Never Again’ is fulfilled.”
