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Sen. Cruz: The Only Thing Bad Actors Across the Globe Respect is Strength

Cruz discusses Syria strikes and Gorsuch confirmation with Shannon Bream

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Friday appeared on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” with Shannon Bream to discuss the U.S. missile strikes in Syria and his efforts to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

“Syria is a humanitarian disaster,” Sen. Cruz said. “It is a total mess. After eight years of Obama’s broken redlines and weakness, we have seen Syria turned into a war zone that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of refugees and chemical weapons, it is a bad situation. That being said, the authority to declare war under the Constitution is given to Congress. The Commander-in-Chief acted last night, and I look forward to President Trump making the case to the American people and to Congress to see what further military action should be taken, if any.”

When asked about how the Syria strikes will impact the United States’ relationship with Russia, Sen. Cruz discussed his optimism with the Trump administration’s foreign policy and national security teams.

“I think Putin, and for that matter, bad actors across the globe, the only thing they respect is strength. With eight years of Barack Obama as president, what we saw was a weak president whose word did not mean anything. Our friends did not trust us, and our enemies did not fear us. I will say that I am encouraged in the opening months of the Trump Administration about foreign policy and national security. The team that has been assembled is an excellent team. Secretary Mattis is a legendary war fighter. General McMaster in the National Security Council is a very well respected strategist. I think for dealing with Russia and Putin, having a strong president who Putin has reason to fear, I think that is a step in the right direction.”

When asked about the vote to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch, Sen. Cruz reiterated his efforts in the Senate despite unprecedented obstruction from his colleagues across the aisle.

“I think we need to stop for a second and reflect on where we are and what is going to impact history,” Sen. Cruz said. “Ten years from now, twenty years from now, thirty years from now what’s going to happen at 11:45 a.m. today will still be having an ongoing impact. Today, we’re going to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court – and that’s really important for the long term liberty of this country.” 

Sen. Cruz’s appearance may be viewed  here.
