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Sen. Cruz Meets with Local Leaders in Odessa and Midland

‘Consistently, the number-one priority of Texans is jobs and economic growth’

MIDLAND, Texas - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today attended a meeting with local leaders in Odessa, where he listened to their concerns and ideas about job creation and economic growth and discussed his efforts to secure more opportunities for hardworking Texans throughout the Lone Star State. Later in the day, Sen. Cruz visited with Midland city leadership, where the group discussed infrastructure policy, health care reform, and the Senator's efforts to roll-back burdensome federal regulations so businesses can flourish. During his visit, Sen. Cruz toured the Spaceport at Midland International Air & Space Port.

"My number-one priority is and always has been the number-one priority of Texans," Sen. Cruz said, "which is jobs and economic growth. Consistently, as I travel the state, it doesn't matter what part of the state I'm in, East Texas, West Texas, the Panhandle or the Valley - consistently the number-one priority of Texans is jobs and economic growth. I am encouraged by the opportunities before Congress, but we also have a lot of work to do. I am spending every day working to deliver on our promises, and if we succeed - if we get government out of the way and unleash the entrepreneurs, the small businesses and the risk takers in Texas, we have the potential to see millions and millions of new high-paying jobs, to see wages rising and to see opportunities growing."

Still photos and video of Sen. Cruz's visits may be viewed here.



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