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Sen. Cruz Discusses Trade and Economic Opportunity with Local Community Leaders and Businesses in El Paso

Participates in roundtable discussion with the Borderplex Alliance

EL PASO, Texas - Today, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) participated in a roundtable discussion with community leaders and executive board members of the Borderplex Alliance in El Paso. There, he discussed the importance of trade to the Texas economy, his efforts in rolling back burdensome federal regulations, and expanding economic opportunity for hardworking Texans.

Still photos and video of Sen. Cruz's visit may be viewed here.

"I was delighted to meet with so many incredible hardworking men and women today who fight each and every day for economic opportunities in El Paso," Sen. Cruz said. "My number-one priority in the Senate has always been focused on expanding economic opportunity across Texas and that is why I remain focused on free and fair trade efforts, lowering the tax burden on our families and small businesses, and helping to eliminate burdensome federal regulations so that businesses can grow and create more good-paying jobs for Texans."

Cruz continued: "Our state economy thrives when there is free and fair trade. Our trading relationship with Mexico is a very important part of it. There are about 2.2 million jobs in the state of Texas that depend on international trade. Now, the President has said that he wants to renegotiate NAFTA. It's been 20 years since implemented so there is certainly room for modernized improvements. And if renegotiating it results in opening up foreign markets, and allowing us to export more from Texas farmers and ranchers and small businesses, then that's a good thing for every Texan. But it is certainly my hope that the results of the negotiations don't result in trade barriers that make it harder for Texans to do business with Mexico and Canada, because so many jobs in our state depend on robust free trade."



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