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ICYMI: Sen. Cruz: On Gun Control, We Should Target Violent Criminals, Not Law Abiding Citizens

Discusses legislative efforts to defend the Second Amendment, and secure the border

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) appeared on WOAI’s ‘The Joe Pags Show,’ where he discussed his legislative efforts to defend the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens and prevent violent criminals from obtaining weapons. He also discussed his priorities for immigration reform, including passing Kate’s Law.

“If you want to stop mass-murders, like the horrifying murder we saw in Parkland, where every one of us was horrified at this evil monster who targeted kids, or if you want to stop murders like the murders we saw in Sutherland Springs, tragically here in Texas, the way to do so is to target violent criminals,” Sen. Cruz said. “You do not go after law abiding citizens; you go after felons, you go after fugitives, and you come down on them like a ton of bricks. That’s what we should be doing, and that is what I am fighting for.”

Sen. Cruz continued, highlighting the provisions included in the Grassley-Cruz legislation, including $300 million in school safety funding. 

“In 2013, in the wake of the Newtown shooting, Democrats and the media tried to do what they are doing now -- which is they went after the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens.” Sen. Cruz said. “I authored what became known as the Grassley-Cruz legislation, which was also called the Law Enforcement Alternative. It ended up getting 52 votes, a majority of votes, even in a Harry Reid Democratic Senate, it got nine Democrats’ votes, the most bipartisan support. But ultimately Harry Reid and the Democrats filibustered it so it didn't get passed into law. What did Grassley-Cruz do? Number one it increased school funding by $300 million. Barack Obama had cut school funding - school safety funding. What that could have meant for Parkland, is if that bill had bill passed - if the Democrats hadn’t filibustered it, it might have meant that another armed police officer would have been on the ground at Parkland and could have intercepted the shooter before he murdered those teenagers. You want to talk about what actually would work? Protecting our kids would work.”

Sen. Cruz also discussed how Congress should honor the promises made to the American people on immigration, and pass Kate’s Law.

“The American people want to see us lead on immigration, want to see us pass common sense immigration legislation,” Sen. Cruz said. “Things like finally securing the border, things like building a wall and tripling the border control and investing in technology and fixed-wing and rotary-winged aircraft and using all of the tools we can to actually stop illegal immigration. The American people want to see us pass things like Kate’s Law, which I introduced in the Senate. Kate’s Law provides for a mandatory minimum sentence for aggravated felons who repeatedly enter the country illegally, like the illegal alien who murdered Kate Steinle, the beautiful California girl murdered on a pier by a felon who had been in and out of jail over and over and over again, deported over and over and over again, but released from the revolving door. We should be passing legislation like Kate’s Law.”

Listen to the full interview here
