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VIDEO: Sen. Cruz Highlights Priorities for NAFTA Renegotiations

‘Allowing free trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico has benefited our country—and especially the great state of Texas’

HOUSTON, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today released the following video highlighting his efforts to leverage NAFTA renegotiations to unleash the United States’ full economic potential and to prioritize American jobs and competitiveness. Recently, Sen. Cruz joined Sens. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), and Steve Daines (R-Mont.) in a letter to President Trump, urging him and the Administration to adopt a broader view of NAFTA negotiations and include a historic Competitiveness Chapter to advance the Republican economic growth agenda. 

The full video transcript is below and may be viewed here

“The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), allowing free trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico has benefited our country—and especially the great state of Texas.

“But as renegotiations heat up on the trade deal, Republicans have an historic opportunity to not only modernize NAFTA, but to achieve much of our policy agenda as well. I have recommended to the President including a Competitiveness Chapter, which would accomplish a number of important goals. 

“First, it would make the United States a better place to do business and make us more competitive without penalizing our trading partners.

“Secondly, it would build a path forward to kick start the negotiations. 

“And most importantly, it would deliver a number of key policy victories regarding permitting, infrastructure, education, and regulatory reform. 

“Getting Washington off the backs of small businesses and job creators. It would give us an opportunity to pass the REINS Act- the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act.

“Under this legislation—which has already passed the House multiple times—all federal regulations costing over $100 million per year must be approved by Congress or they don’t go into effect. By using NAFTA renegotiations as a vehicle to pass the REINS Act, Democrats would not be able to filibuster this popular legislation, as it would only take a simple majority of votes in the Senate to pass. 

“I urge my colleagues and the President to defend free trade, to hold Washington accountable, and to support legislation that will benefit the people of Texas and every American.” 
