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Sen. Cruz Meets With College Station, Waco, and Lubbock Local Leaders

Delivers remarks, participates in Q&A with members of the Bryan-College Station and Waco Chambers of Commerce; meets with leaders from City of Waco, McLennan County, and Lubbock

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today delivered remarks and participated in a Q&A with members of the Bryan-College Station and Waco Chambers of Commerce where he applauded President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Iran deal, and discussed the victories achieved in the first year and a half of the new Administration and Congress. 

Watch his full remarks here.

“From historic tax cuts and regulatory reform, to repealing Obamacare’s individual mandate and appointing constitutionalist judges on the federal bench, we’re getting a lot accomplished,” Sen. Cruz said. “All of those are huge, huge victories. And what I’m continuing to urge my colleagues in the Senate, in the House, and the President is let’s keep winning big victories. We saw a big victory just today. The President is announcing that we’re withdrawing from the Obama Iranian nuclear deal. That is exactly the right decision. That deal was profoundly dangerous to the United States and the President is to be commended for making the right decision. If you look at our national security posture across the world we are, number one, finally rebuilding our military after eight years of it being weakened and undermined. And number two, we are seeing once again the enemies of America in retreat, whether ISIS, North Korea, or Iran, in response to American leadership. I think peace through strength works. And I’m encouraged, in just a year and a half, by the progress we’ve made.” 

Following his remarks, Sen. Cruz met with Waco Mayor Kyle Deaver and local officials from Waco and McLennan County, before meeting with members of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce. In both meetings, Sen. Cruz discussed his priorities for infrastructure and regulatory reform, and ways to ensure agricultural communities continue to grow their economies and create jobs.

Still photos of the meetings are below.

Sen. Cruz with Mayor Kyle Deaver, Waco and McLennan County officials

Sen. Cruz with members of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce
