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Sen. Cruz: ‘Judge Kavanaugh Is Going to Be Confirmed, and He’s Going to Become Justice Kavanaugh’

Discusses Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing with Dallas’ Mark Davis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today appeared on 660 AM The Answer’s Mark Davis show to discuss Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing and news of the day.

When asked about what to expect from the hearing, Sen. Cruz noted that despite the Democratic efforts to criticize and malign Judge Kavanaugh’s service, he will be confirmed.

“I suspect it may remind us all of Shakespeare in that the Democrats will be full of sound and fury and signifying nothing,” Sen. Cruz said. “We’re going to see a circus playing out […] and we’ll see the Democrats trying everything they can to bloody Judge Kavanaugh up, but that they don’t have any grounds to criticize him on. He’s been on the federal Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit for over a decade, that is widely considered the second highest court in the land. He has over 300 published opinions so he’s got a judicial record that they can examine, and they haven’t been able to find anything that’s got any traction. They’re just screaming and wailing and they’re using the kind of rhetoric – one of the Democratic presidential hopefuls in 2020 said that anyone who votes for Kavanagh is ‘complicit in evil.’ That kind of suggests just how exercised they are. But at the end of the day, Judge Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed, and he’s going to become Justice Kavanaugh.”

Sen. Cruz continued, noting that the Democrats are attempting to stall the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh. “It is a massive pile of papers that has been handed over,” Sen. Cruz said.

“It’s far more than what was handed over for Justice Kagan, it’s far more than what was handed over for Justice Sotomayor. But what the Democrats are doing, and they’re not really hiding it, is that they’re playing games and they’re trying to have a stalling tactic. The main papers that matter are the 300 published opinions. Those are all out there for everyone to examine. You want to know what kind of judge this is? Well we’ve got over a decade of real demonstration of what kind of judge he is.”

Listen to the interview here.

