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Sen. Cruz: President Trump’s Speech Was Strong, Highlighting Economic Boom Benefitting Texas

Press coverage of Sen. Cruz’s response to President Trump’s State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union address, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) shared with Texas and national press outlets his support for the president’s message.

“I thought it was a very strong speech,” Sen. Cruz said on Fox News’ ‘Hannity.’ “The president started off with the incredible successes we’ve seen in the past two years. The economic successes -- the lowest unemployment in half a century, the lowest African American and Hispanic unemployment ever recorded, the lowest Asian American unemployment ever recorded, the lowest unemployment for people with disabilities. I mean, it’s a staggering record of results. He laid out the record of national security: rebuilding our military, defeating our enemies, defeating ISIS. And that is a testament to policies that work.” 

Several media outlets covered Sen. Cruz’s reaction following the State of the Union address. Selected news coverage is below:

Spectrum News: (VIDEO) Sen. Ted Cruz Pleased With President's Address
“Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said he was pleased President Donald Trump highlighted the country’s victories, like low unemployment and its work against ISIS. […] ‘He laid out the incredible results we’ve seen in the last two years, the results of common-sense free market policies going into effect.’ he said. Cruz said he was not optimistic that Washington will see Republicans and Democrats get something done together. ‘If you looked at how congressional Democrats acted last night, they demonstrated yet more anger and rage at the president,’ he said. When asked if a deal to keep the government open can be reached he said he hopes Democrats will compromise. ‘If they don’t compromise then it's all but inevitable that the president will act unilaterally, using congressional authorization, as previously passed to go forward, build a wall and secure a border,’ he said.” 

KAUZ: (VIDEO) Sen. Cruz’s Response to the 2019 State of the Union
“Sen. Cruz provides his take on President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union, ‘He rightly began by emphasizing the incredible policy successes we’ve seen over the last two years. In particular, passing a historic tax cut and repealing job killing regulations. We’re seeing an economic boom that Texas is benefiting from.’” 

Breitbart: Ted Cruz: Dems Were ‘Terrified’ During Trump’s Denunciation of Socialism on Deciding Whether to Stand, Sit
“In an appearance on Fox News Channel’s ‘Hannity’ following President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) offered an analysis of his Democratic congressional colleagues’ reaction to President Trump’s denunciation of socialism. […] ‘I think my favorite moment in the speech was when the president said, ‘We will never become a socialist country,’ Cruz said. […] ‘Every Democrat who sat has just told their constituents they want America to be a socialist country. Many of the other Democrats who stood, they wanted also, but they will at least be going to pretend for a little while longer. But they sorted the wheat from the chaff, as they say, and they did in front of the whole country.’”

Austin American-Statesman: Central Texas lawmakers react to State of the Union address
“‘I thought it was very strong speech. The president started off with just laying out the incredible successes we’ve seen in the past two years: the economic successes, the lowest unemployment in half a century, the lowest African-American, Hispanic unemployment ever recorded, the lowest Asian-American unemployment ever recorded, the lowest unemployment for people with disabilities. I mean, it’s a staggering record of results. He laid out the record on national security, rebuilding our military, defeating our enemies, defeating ISIS, and that is a testament to policies that work. But I think tonight, we also saw just how extreme, just how out of touch the modern Democratic Party has become,’ said Senator Cruz.” 
