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Sen. Cruz on Yale Discrimination Investigation: ‘Other Universities Are Watching What’s Happening Here’

Discusses investigation into Yale Law School with Campus Reform, Ben Shapiro, Tony Perkins, and Mark Levin

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary's Subcommittee on the Constitution, this week sent a letter to Yale Law School requesting that the school turn over documents related to its discriminatory policy against students serving in organizations professing traditional Christian views or adhering to traditional sexual ethics.

Sen. Cruz appeared on The Ben Shapiro Show, Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, and the Mark Levin Show to talk about his investigation into Yale Law School. He also sat down with Campus Reform's Lawrence Jones.

"Yale announced a new policy that it would apply for anywhere the student chooses to go unless the student decides to go to a Christian organization that believes in traditional marriage or traditional sexual values," Sen. Cruz said to Jones. "And so you asked what can we do about it? Well I chair the Constitution subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee. And so the Constitution subcommittee has launched an investigation into Yale's religious discrimination against people of faith."

On Washington Watch with Tony Perkins, Sen. Cruz also explained that Yale receives federal funds and it is illegal to discriminate based on religious faith.

"Yale receives large amounts of federal funds and it's against federal civil rights law to discriminate based on religious faith," Sen. Cruz said to Perkins. "And just this week, the committee submitted to Yale a Request for Production, of all of the documents, all of the emails, all of the correspondence behind this policy. Which I think is likely to reveal - Yale's indicated it intends to cooperate - and I think it's likely to indicate that this was driven by a very specific animus to discriminate against Christians and to try to blacklist ADF [Alliance Defending Freedom] and punish any Yale students who choose to work there."

Selected news coverage of Sen. Cruz's investigation is below:

The Washington Times: Cruz ramps up Yale Law probe, cites religious-liberty concerns
"Sen. Ted Cruz escalated his investigation into Yale Law School this week, issuing a new demand for documents he suspects will show the school discriminates against Christian students. In a letter Monday Mr. Cruz asked the school to reveal how much funding students in different political organizations receive. He's looking to see whether left-leaning and right-leaning groups are treated differently. Some of the organizations Mr. Cruz wants information on include the National Right to Life Committee, Planned Parenthood, the Heritage Foundation, and the American Civil Liberties Union. The Texas Republican had notified the school's dean last month that he was pursuing the matter and had asked that documents be preserved. Now he's asked that they be turned over."

CNS News: Cruz Launches Investigation into Yale Law School's Treatment of Christian Students, Organizations
"On Tuesday, Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz announced that he is looking into potential ‘unconstitutional animus' and discrimination by Yale Law School against Christian students and organizations. Cruz has sent two letters to Yale regarding his concern that the school is targeting traditional Christian values and sexual ethics, the senator's press release explains. [...] Monday's letter requests documents pertaining to Yale's "public interest funding" decisions, policies and practices. In particular, Cruz asks for information on how much public interest funding has been provided to abortion activist and other liberal groups, such as Planned Parenthood, compared to conservative organizations like The Heritage Foundation and The Beckett Fund."

Breitbart: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced this week that he plans to investigate Yale University for alleged discrimination against Christians
"During an interview with Campus Reform, Senator Ted Cruz announced that he plans to investigate Yale University over allegations that they discriminate against Christian students. Breitbart News reported in April that Yale Law School had decided to pull funding from students who choose to work for Christian non-profit legal organizations. The decision was made in response to an on-campus lecture by a lawyer from the Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian legal non-profit that defended Masterpiece Cakeshop in the Supreme Court case about religious liberty. Cruz told Campus Reform that he has submitted a request for all of the documents surrounding the decisions to deny funding to law students who wish to work for Christian non-profits."

The Right Scoop: WATCH: Ted Cruz explains to Ben Shapiro his investigation into the discrimination of Christians at Yale Law School...
"Yesterday it was announced that Ted Cruz has opened an investigation, via his Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, into discriminatory polices adopted by Yale Law School against Christians and conservatives. [...] Cruz explains how this all began at Yale and it was basically a triggered SJW response to an Alliance Defending Freedom attorney coming on their campus to explain their lawsuit and SCOTUS victory for Masterpiece Cakeshop. When the ADF attorney showed up to discuss this, the LGBT group named ‘Outlaws' got triggered and began protesting. They then made demands of the law school which led to Yale to begin these discriminatory polices, both through admissions and financial aid. Cruz said it's possible that this investigation could end up with a referral to the Justice Department because Yale is a recipient of federal funds."
