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American Business Groups Applaud Cruz Resolution on Gas Furnaces as It Moves to House Passage

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A range of industry groups today applauded a resolution authored and passed through the Senate last week by U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ranking Member on the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, as it advances to the House of Representatives. The resolution disapproves of and reverses a rule by the Biden administration’s Department of Energy on gas furnace efficiency standards, which would effectively ban non-condensing gas furnace models. After the vote, Sen. Cruz said “I urge the House to take up this Resolution expeditiously and pass it.”

Industry leaders said:

Adam Temple, Vice President of Advocacy, National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) said, “This DOE furnace regulation is one of the many burdensome and costly regulations flowing out of Washington. Small business owners are overwhelmed with the countless government regulations that are increasing costs and red tape for their businesses. In this case, the DOE has misrepresented the economic impact this rule will have on small businesses as it will ultimately increase the input costs of small business owners and increase inflationary pressures. We support Senator Cruz' efforts to repeal DOE’s burdensome rule and provide relief to small businesses.”

Talbot Gee, CEO, Heating, Air-conditioning, & Refrigeration Distributors International said, “HARDI is excited to see the bipartisan support for Senator Cruz’s CRA resolution. This resolution is a necessary response to the inherently flawed DOE rule-making process, which failed to adequately consider the total cost of retrofitting a home to use condensing furnaces. As a trade association representing wholesale distributors of HVAC products, we are dedicated to protecting and promoting consumer choice for all products. We are grateful for Senator Cruz's support, as he stands with us in our efforts to shield consumers from the increasing costs caused by more regulations.”

Joe Cornetta, President, Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association (PHCC National) said, “PHCC applauds the extraordinary efforts of Senator Cruz to call into question the acts of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by introducing legislation to invoke the Congressional Review Act in relationship to the onerous elimination of non-condensing gas furnaces.”

Thomas Pyle, President, American Energy Alliance said, “The Biden Administration’s relentless attack on the lifestyle and pocketbooks of American families hit a roadblock today thanks to the leadership of Senator Ted Cruz. Whether it is gas stoves, or cars, or in this case furnaces, Senator Cruz is fighting the misguided attacks on domestic oil and natural gas and helping shield American families from even higher prices brought about by the policies of President Joe Biden. The American Energy Alliance applauds Senator Cruz for advancing free markets and helping to keep home heating and cooling affordable.”

Stuart Saulters, Vice President of Government Relations, American Public Gas Association (APGA) said, “APGA appreciates Senator Cruz leading legislative efforts to roll back a greatly flawed Department of Energy (DOE) rulemaking that finalized a new minimum efficiency standard for residential gas furnaces. We are also grateful his colleagues followed his lead and passed a resolution of disapproval. The rule wrongfully drives costly fuel switching, as it bans a popular appliance technology — non-condensing furnaces — from the market. Without access to this technology, many consumers will be forced to replace their furnaces with costly retrofits, if even possible, or switch to electric alternatives. This policy is especially concerning for vulnerable, underserved communities, potentially forcing them to shift to electric furnaces, which are less affordable and efficient than the direct use of natural gas. APGA hopes the House will now pass this important resolution.”

Barton James, President, Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) said, “On behalf of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America and our membership, we sincerely thank Senator Cruz, his staff, and his colleagues in the Senate for their work to elevate this important issue. This vote is a win for both the HVACR industry and residential heating consumers. It is an important step in the right direction toward consumer choice in the residential heating market, and away from unnecessary government overreach.”

Tim Stewart, President, U.S. Oil & Gas Association (USOGA) said, "Senator Cruz has taken a great first step to restore common sense after three years of absurd energy policy. He has saved the majority of American households about $6700.  Even more importantly the Senator has saved us all from having to retrofit our homes to accommodate an electric furnace we don't want. DOE claims that the new regulations will "eventually" cut household utility costs by $1.5 billion annually but fail to mention consumers and industry will spend tens of billions of dollars to comply with the new regulations just to "eventually" save $1.5 billion. Senator Cruz should be applauded for his efforts."

Steve Kaminski, President and CEO, National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) said, “NPGA commends Senator Cruz and the U.S. Senate for passing S.J. Res. 58 and taking common-sense action to protect American families by voting to preserve consumer choice and availability. NPGA and its members oppose the Department of Energy's rule on Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Furnaces and any actions taken by federal, state, or local governments that restrict or deny consumer access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy sources.”

Ed Longanecker, President, Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association said, "The natural gas tax in the Inflation Reduction Act ignores how American consumers benefit from affordable and reliable energy and will have a disproportionate impact on thousands of small businesses in our state. This misguided policy will result in a surge in energy production costs and significant harm to our state and national economy, while increasing our reliance on foreign energy imports. On behalf of our members, who collectively produce nearly 90 percent of the oil and natural gas in Texas, we applaud Senator Cruz for his leadership and sensible energy policy."

