February 10, 2017
This week I had the opportunity to participate in a substantive debate on CNN with Sen. Bernie Sanders, discussing the failures of Obamacare, as well as the merits of free-market, patient-centered health reform that puts patients and their doctors back in charge of their health. This is an issue that not only affects Americans across the country, but millions of families in the state of Texas.
Obamacare was sold to the American people as a solution to steadily increasing healthcare costs and insurance premiums, and a means to provide health insurance for all Americans. But it has failed to deliver on its promises. This disastrous policy has increased healthcare costs, limited healthcare options and robbed hardworking Americans of good paying jobs.
During and after the debate I had the opportunity to hear from Texans including LaRonda Hunter, a Fort Worth small business owner. Ms. Hunter wants to expand her business, but like millions of other small businesses, has been unable to expand due to the Obamacare's employer mandate. I hope you will watch our exchange.
Texans and all American families deserve better. I look forward to working with my colleagues to keep our promise to the American people to fully and completely repeal Obamacare. Unwinding the harms of this law begins by fully repealing it and starting over with commonsense, patient-focused reforms that put patients and their doctors back in the driver’s seat.
Please read below for an update from this last week.
Keep Texas Strong,
 Ted Cruz
Sen. Cruz Addresses Texas Water Day

On Thursday, Sen. Cruz addressed the 13th annual Texas Water Day, hosted by the Texas Water Conservation Association, where he reiterated his commitment to reducing federal regulations that impact Texas water rights and water conservation and returning more regulatory authority to state and local governments.
“When it comes to water, Texas water interests are facing regulatory barriers at every turn. Whether its NEPA compliance, the Endangered Species Act, the Lacey Act, or procuring a section 404 permit under the Clean Water Act, you are running into barriers at every turn,” Sen. Cruz said. “Let me give you a very simple philosophy, I trust the men and women in this room a heck of a lot more than anyone in Washington D.C. – for one thing, you actually know where Texas is. I believe as much power as possible should be devolved to the states and the local governments, because they – the men and women here today – are a lot closer to the people. That is a principle that cuts across policy issue after policy issue.”
The Texas Water Conservation Association is comprised of water professionals and organizations in the state of Texas. Its members represent river authorities, municipalities, navigation and flood control districts, drainage and irrigation districts, utility districts, and groundwater conservation districts. Their membership includes engineers, hydrogeologists, attorneys, government administrators, and numerous other individuals committed to Texas water resource management.
Read the full press release here.
Republican Replacement Ideas for Obamacare Will Empower Patients With More Affordable Health Care Choices
This week Sen. Cruz debated Sen. Bernie Sanders in a CNN Town Hall regarding the future of Obamacare. During the debate, Sen. Cruz discussed some of the Republican ideas for replacing Obamacare that put patients, working with their doctors -- and not the government -- back in charge of their health.
- Pursue reforms that address the supply of health care.
- Allow for the sale of insurance across state lines.
- Dramatically expand Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) by allowing Americans to put more money into these tax-advantaged accounts.
- Uncouple health insurance from employment.
- Block-grant Medicaid dollars and abstain from penalizing states for not expanding Medicaid.
- Give seniors more choice, not less.
Read the full press release here.
Sen. Cruz: Sen. Sessions Will Restore the Rule of Law
Sen. Cruz released the following statement in support of Sen. Jeff Sessions, confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the next U.S. Attorney General:
“The confirmation of Sen. Sessions to be the 84th Attorney General of the United States is wonderful news for those who revere the rule of law. Sen. Sessions has impressive credentials, and having worked alongside him on both the Judiciary and Armed Services Committees, I have witnessed firsthand his steadfast integrity, his passion for the rule of law and law enforcement, and the profound mutual respect and admiration that exists between him and our men and women in blue.
“Jeff Sessions has led a remarkable career representing the people of Alabama, and he is undoubtedly well suited to serve the American people as the next U.S. Attorney General. I look forward to working with him as he takes on this new role and restores integrity to the leadership of the Department of Justice.”
Read the full press release here.
Sen. Cruz: Betsy DeVos Will Help Unlock the Gates of Opportunity
Sen. Cruz released the following statement in support of Betsy DeVos, confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the next U.S. Secretary of Education:
“The confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education is welcome news for students and parents in Texas and across our great nation. DeVos brings decades of remarkable experience advocating for policies and programs that empower families and remove barriers to academic choice. Most importantly, she will fight to take power away from the bureaucrats in Washington D.C. and return it to where it belongs – to parents and teachers back home in our local school districts.
“I look forward to working with her on the enormous task of giving every child access to quality education, unlocking the gates of opportunity, and unleashing the potential of all children to pursue their ambitions and achieve their dreams.”
Read the full press release here.
Texans in Washington D.C.