January 6, 2017
As 2017 kicks off, now is the time to ready ourselves for the historic opportunities that lie ahead. As Congress returns to our nation’s capital, now is the moment to return to the Constitution and restore integrity to our government by enacting policies that grow our economy, create jobs, protect our freedoms, and secure our nation.
This week, as the 115th Congress began, I was proud to introduce a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress, a measure the American people overwhelmingly support. The reason is simple: they recognize Washington is broken, it's far too easy for people to become career politicians in D.C. and grow corrupted by the system. When the framers designed the Constitution, they envisioned citizen legislators, who would leave their job for a period of time, leave their businesses or their farms – come to Washington, serve the nation and then go back home. We don't have that arrangement today, and it's my hope that Congress will take up my amendment, end the corruption in Washington, and once and for all drain the swamp.
I also spoke out in the Senate this week against the Obama administration’s shameful, discriminatory attacks against Israel at the United Nations. The anti-Israel U.N. Security Council resolution that passed during Chanukah with President Obama's and Secretary of State John Kerry’s active acquiescence is absurd. It declares much of Israel’s sovereign territory to be illegal and illegitimate. It declares the Temple Mount - the holiest place in Jerusalem for the Jewish people – not a part of Israel. It declares the Western Wall - where travelers from all over the world go to pray – not a part of Israel. For decades, the United States has stood as an ally against anti-Semitism, and I am committed to reversing the Obama administration’s despicable approach to our relationship with Israel and working with President-elect Trump’s incoming administration to restore the unshakable alliance between our two nations.
Keep Texas Strong,
 Ted Cruz
Sen. Cruz and Rep. DeSantis Introduce Constitutional Amendment To Impose Term Limits On Members of Congress
Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution on Tuesday to impose term limits on members of Congress. The amendment would limit U.S. senators to two six-year terms and members of the U.S. House of Representatives to three two-year terms.
“D.C. is broken,” said Sen. Cruz. “The American people resoundingly agreed on Election Day, and President-elect Donald Trump has committed to putting government back to work for the American people. It is well past time to put an end to the cronyism and deceit that has transformed Washington into a graveyard of good intentions.”
Cruz continued: “The time is now for Congress, with the overwhelming support of the American people, to submit this constitutional amendment to the states for speedy ratification. With control of a decisive majority of the states, the House of Representatives, and the Senate, we have a responsibility to answer the voters’ call-to-action. We must deliver.”
Full text of the proposed amendment can be viewed here.
Sens. Cruz, Heller, and Rubio Seek to Recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
On Tuesday, Senator Ted Cruz, along with Sens. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), introduced the Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act, legislation that would fulfill America’s commitment to Israel to relocate the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
“Jerusalem is the eternal and undivided capital of Israel,” Sen. Cruz said. “Unfortunately, the Obama administration's vendetta against the Jewish state has been so vicious that to even utter this simple truth - let alone the reality that Jerusalem is the appropriate venue for the American embassy in Israel - is shocking in some circles. But it is finally time to cut through the double-speak and broken promises and do what Congress said we should do in 1995: formally move our embassy to the capital of our great ally Israel. I am pleased to co-sponsor this legislation with Senator Heller and Senator Rubio, and I look forward to working with the Trump administration to make this happen.”
The full release can be viewed here.
Sen. Cruz: Congress Must Cut U.S. Taxpayer Funding to the United Nations Unless It Repeals Disgraceful Anti-Israel Resolution
Yesterday, Sen. Cruz delivered a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate confirming America’s unshakable alliance with Israel and condemning the Obama administration’s shameful attacks on Israel on its way out the door. Sen. Cruz called for cutting U.S. taxpayer funding to the United Nations unless the U.N. Security Council repeals its discriminatory anti-Israel resolution #2334.
Watch Sen. Cruz’s floor speech in its entirety here.
Sens. Cruz, Lee, and Rubio Send Letter Supporting Obamacare Repeal Resolution
Sens. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Marco Rubio sent a letter to Senate Republican leaders Tuesday supporting their efforts to repeal Obamacare within the first weeks of the 115th Congress.
In the letter Cruz stated, “Prior to consideration of this ‘Obamacare Repeal Resolution,’ we wish to affirm our shared commitment to the following process that will lead to the delivery of the following conservative priorities.
“We look forward to working with you this Congress and to delivering on the mandate given to us by the American people to repeal Obamacare and reform the status quo in Washington.”
The full letter and press release can be viewed here.
Sen. Cruz Reintroduces 'Kate's Law' in 115th Congress
On Thursday, Sen. Cruz, along with Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), David Perdue (R-Georgia), Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin), Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma), and Ben Sasse (R-Nebraska) today reintroduced Kate’s Law, which was first introduced in July 2015. The legislation is named for Kate Steinle, a 32-year-old woman tragically shot and killed by an illegal alien who had several felony convictions and had been deported from the United States five times. This bill would amend federal law to impose a mandatory minimum sentence of five years for any illegal reentry offense.
“The American people gave Congress and the incoming administration a mandate to reverse the dangerous course set under the Obama Administration that has encouraged illegal immigration and enabled lawbreakers to escape prosecution,” Sen. Cruz said. “Kate’s Law is crucial to ensure that deported illegal aliens, especially those with violent criminal records, are deterred from illegally reentering the United States to prey on innocent Americans. I look forward to working with my colleagues and President-elect Trump to once and for all prevent cities from harboring illegal aliens, enforce federal immigration laws, and ensure the safety and security of the American people.”
More information on Katie’s Law can be found here.
ICYMI: Sen. Cruz on the Radio
This week Cruz spoke with radio hosts Larry O’Connor, Hugh Hewitt, and Mike Gallagher.
Audio links to each interview can be found here.
Sen. Cruz: Historic Opportunities Lie Ahead in 2017

Sen. Cruz released a video in celebration of 2016 and the start of 2017.
"This past year I’ve been incredibly blessed to visit with so many Texans across our great state.
“As 2016 comes to a close, we take a moment to reflect on this year’s accomplishments, but also to ready ourselves for the historic opportunities that lie ahead.
“Now is the moment to return to the Constitution and restore integrity to our government by enacting policies that grow our economy, create jobs, protect our freedoms, and secure our nation.
“I am honored to represent each and every one of you and will continue to fight for you every day. Here’s to all that we will accomplish together in the coming year.”
The full video & release can be viewed here.
Sen. Cruz Discusses Strengthening America’s National Security with Secretary of Defense Designee Gen. James Mattis

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) met with Gen. James Mattis, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to become Secretary of Defense. Sen. Cruz and Gen. Mattis discussed national security concerns in advance of the general’s nomination hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
“General Mattis has an impressive understanding of the challenges facing our national security and a realistic assessment of the serious work ahead of us as we seek to rebuild our military capabilities,” said Sen. Cruz. “I appreciate his candid responses during our conversation and was pleased to note the depth of the general’s thoughts regarding areas that are vital to the security of the United States, including the importance of our nuclear triad, investment in our homeland missile defense systems, and the critical requirement to rebuild our global alliances. I was also encouraged to hear that part of our global alliance commitments included the successful completion of the F-35 program, which is not only vitally important for our future air superiority, but also that of many of our closest allies. It was also reassuring to hear General Mattis express his concerns regarding the need to rebuild our military while spending the taxpayers’ money more effectively, in part by helping to achieve something I’ve long supported, a full audit of Defense Department spending.
“After almost a decade of neglect, our military and our national security are in a precarious position. Our adversaries have grown bolder, and our allies have become less sure of America’s will. A Marine’s Marine, Gen. Mattis is an inspired selection to lead the Department of Defense into the future. I’m confident that he’ll restore the warrior ethos to our military, banish political correctness, and direct our concerted energy at defeating radical Islamic terrorism. I look forward to supporting his nomination.”
The full release can be viewed here.
Sen. Cruz Meets with Cabinet Nominees
This week Sen. Cruz met with cabinet nominees for President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration: