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Cruz: Obamacare is not Working. It’s Time to Start Over

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) issued the following statement in reaction to the President's Obamacare announcement:

"It was only a few weeks ago that President Obama refused to consider any changes to Obamacare, forcing the government to shutdown for 16 days.

"Today, he made a 180-degree turn and announced a plan that, sadly, is too late for the more than 5 million Americans who have already received cancellation notices from insurance companies notifying them the plans they had are no longer available due to explicit provisions in Obamacare that made them illegal.

"We cannot 'fix' Obamacare. The damage has been done, as millions of Americans have already been made to pay higher premiums and lose their jobs, wages, and health care plans.

"Yesterday, the largest private provider of cancer treatment in Austin, Texas, announced it will not accept insurance plans sold through the exchanges, due to regulations associated with Obamacare.

"The news will only get worse. If Obamacare continues to be enacted, Americans will continue to lose health care plans, premiums will continue to rise, and Americans will continue to lose their doctors.

"Obamacare is not working. It’s time to start over.

"The plan the president outlined today is not capable of undoing the damage; it is designed to mitigate his party’s political pain.

"It must be repealed and at the same time, Republicans and Democrats should work together to adopt policies that will truly make health care more accessible by creating a true national market to make insurance more affordable, personal, and portable."


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