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FACT CHECK // Bolton Leak Doesn't Change Anything - POTUS Has Constitutional Authority to Investigate Corruption

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today the White House's defense team will continue to lay out President Trump's case. To the surprise of no one, Democrats and members of the mainstream media are continuing to follow the playbook they tried to use against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

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As U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said this morning:

"Last week we had Lev Parnas on Maddow and ‘secret tapes.' This week, the ‘Bolton revelations.' It's the same approach Democrats and the media followed during the Kavanaugh hearing.

"At the end of the day, nothing in the reporting changes the underlying fact that a President has the full constitutional authority and indeed the responsibility to investigate serious evidence of corruption."

READ: FACT CHECK // President Has the Authority & Responsibility to Investigate Corruption

The central question Senators must answer in this case is whether the President of the United Sates has the authority to investigate corruption.

The answer is yes. Under our Constitution, Presidents not only have the authority, but also a responsibility to investigate corruption.

Last week, on the Hugh Hewitt Show, Sen. Cruz said:

"The most important question in this entire trial, and the reason why at the end of the trial the President is going to be acquitted, is can a President investigate corruption? And the answer is obviously yes. And in fact, if there's serious evidence of corruption, the President not only has an ability to investigate, [but] a responsibility to do so."

READ: FACT CHECK // Mainstream Media Continues to Do Democrats' Heavy Lifting on Biden Corruption

READ: FACT CHECK // Democrats Deny Biden Corruption
