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Freedom Minute: Defending our Bill of Rights

**Attention: Radio Producers**
Sen. Cruz’s newest 60-second radio spot is available for your use.

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) today released the latest in a series of “Freedom Minute” segments in which he notes a pattern of the Obama Administration disregarding our Bill of Rights and the need to reign in these abuses.


Hi, I’m Ted Cruz and this is the Freedom Minute.

The Bill of Rights is at the heart of our system of government.

Yet the Obama Administration, sadly, often seems willing to circumvent our constitutional rights.

Whether it’s the First Amendment and the seizing of journalists’ phone records, or threatening to punish armed service members who speak openly about their faith;

Whether it’s the Second Amendment and the Administration’s desire to restrict our right to keep and bear arms;

Or whether it’s the Fourth and Fifth Amendments and the Administration’s policy on drone use against American citizens.

And now we learn that the government has been collecting millions of U.S. telephone records. While the details are unclear, this fits into a troubling pattern of disregarding the Bill of Rights.

Congress must do its part to rein in these abuses, but citizens of every stripe need to make their voices heard.

I’m Ted Cruz and this is the Freedom Minute.
