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House Takes Up Cruz-Britt IVF Protection Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Katie Britt (R-Ala.) introduced the IVF Protection Act to ensure that states do not prohibit access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) services. Reps. Scott Perry (R-Penn.-10) and Nancy Mace (R-S.C.-1) are have now introduced companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Upon the House introduction, Sen. Cruz said, “IVF is a medical miracle that has brought the joy of parenthood to millions of families nationwide who may have never otherwise had the experience of having a child. I was proud to work with Sen. Britt to try to advance the IVF Protection Act in the Senate, and I applaud Reps. Perry and Mace for introducing it in the House. It’s deeply unfortunate that Senate Democrats have put politics over people once again and objected to clear and strong federal protections for IVF.”

Sen. Britt said, “Along with Senator Cruz, I appreciate Representatives Perry and Mace leading this bicameral effort to ensure continued nationwide IVF access. IVF helps aspiring parents across our nation start and grow their families, and our IVF Protection Act would preserve this pathway to parenthood for the millions of Americans who face infertility every year. While Democrats prioritize scaring families, I’m proud to join my Republican colleagues in fighting for families.”

Rep. Perry said, “I am proud to co-lead the House’s effort to protect IVF access for families in South-Central Pennsylvania and across the Country. It’s time Congress steps up to fight for American Citizen’s right to IVF services and the hope and life for millions of loving families.”

Rep. Mace said,We will always protect Americans' rights to start a family, that includes as much support as humanly possible for IVF. This bill is a significant step in ensuring women's reproductive health is protected from extreme measures while balancing conscience protections and necessary health and safety standards.”


Sens. Cruz and Britt have led Senate efforts to protect IVF access.

  • They introduced the IVF Protection Act in May to ensure that states do not prohibit access to IVF services.
  • They co-authored an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal about their bill protecting access to IVF.
  • They fought to pass their bill on the Senate floor.
  • They co-led a joint statement supporting access to IVF that was signed by every Senate Republican.


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