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ICYMI: Cruz: If Democrats voted to fund the men and women in the active military, why are they blocking

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) appeared on CNN's Crossfire to discuss funding vital functions of government, ending Harry Reid's shutdown, and stopping the harms coming from Obamacare. Video is available here.

Excerpts from Sen. Cruz:

“An awful lot of Washington would like to change the subject. An awful lot of Washington would like to stop focusing on Obamacare. But you know who hasn't stopped focusing on it? The American people. The reason the House of Representatives has stood strong on Obamacare is millions of Americans said this isn't worikng, it's killing jobs, taking away people's health care, it is not working.”

“The House has passed 14 bills to fund vital government priorities. All 14 of them are sitting on Harry Reid's desk. He won't allow the Senate to vote. Let me ask the question -- if you voted to fund the men and women in the active military, why are Democrats blocking funding the VA? Do our veterans not deserve the same treatment that the active-military do?”

“Democrats in this town do not want to discuss Obamacare. Why? Because it isn't working. We saw the President's approval ratings are at 37%. The Wall Street Journal poll just came out, and Democrats have the lowest support among the middle class in 40 years of polls. Why is that? It's for two reasons. Number one, because House Republicans are working to fund vital government priorities. They passed 14 bills to do it, and President Obama and the Democrats refuse to negotiate. Number two, it is because House Republicans are listening to the millions of Americans losing their jobs, who are being pushed into part-time work, facing skyrocketing health care costs.”

“You said criticism of Obamacare is right-wing histrionics. I'm curious if you think it was right-wing histrionics when James Hoffa said that Obamacare is destroying the health care of millions of hard-working men and women in this country?”

“The focus should be on the millions of Americans who are hurting because of Obamacare and the millions being pushed into part time work, working 29 hours a week.”

“Success should be meaningful relief for the millions of Americans who are hurting because of Obamacare. My test for success will be, does it help the single mom who is forced to work 29 hours a week and is struggling?”

“I don't think we should treat the ruling class in Washington better than hard-working American families. I think it is wrong that big business and members of Congress get an exemption. And I think we ought to treat American families at least as well. That's what this fight is about.”


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