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ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Calls on Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to Follow the Constitution and Hold an Impeachment Trial for Alejandro Mayorkas

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on The Constitution, joined Senate Republican colleagues and House impeachment managers for a press conference laying out the evidence of U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas’s lawlessness and calling on Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to follow the Constitution and hold a trial in the Senate.

During the press conference, Sen. Cruz said, “We’ve just witnessed history being made. Only 22 times in our nation’s history has the House of Representatives presented and delivered Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. Only twice in our nation’s history has a cabinet member been impeached by the House. The stakes of this impeachment are not some technical violations of law, but rather an enormous and growing threat to the lives and safety of millions of Americans.

“Every year under Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas, we have seen millions of illegal aliens crossing into this country. Alejandro Mayorkas is actively aiding and abetting the criminal invasion of this country by criminal drug cartels and illegal aliens.

“… Every week, we see another horrific crime committed by criminal illegal aliens that Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas have continued to release. … Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas deliberately defied the law. They apprehended [Laken Riley’s] killer when he came illegally to this country. He was in El Paso. Had Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas simply followed the law, they would have put him on a plane and flown him back to Venezuela and Laken Riley would still be alive. But they didn't. They defied the law. They let him go. And he went to New York City … where he was apprehended again. This time for endangering the safety of a child. If New York City had simply followed the law—if they had put him in jail—Laken Riley would still be alive. But New York City let him go, and this murderer came down to Georgia and beat Laken Riley to death with a brick.

“… The House managers who are here … scare the living daylights out of Chuck Schumer and the Democrats. Tomorrow we’re going to see Chuck Schumer throw out 200 years of history and ignore the Constitution. Why? Because he does not want these managers to present the evidence of the people dying because of their policies.

“The Senate has a clear obligation under the Constitution and 200 years of precedent: we need to hold a trial. We need to allow the managers to present the evidence. And then every one of us who is following the law should convict and remove Alejandro Mayorkas for aiding and abetting a criminal invasion of the United States of America.”

Watch Sen. Cruz’s remarks below:

