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ICYMI: Sen. Cruz: President Obama’s Leadership is Needed to Bring Meriam Ibrahim and Her Family Home

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WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today spoke with Tony Perkins’ ‘Washington Watch’ radio show regarding the re-apprehension of Meriam Ibrahim and her family by the government of Sudan.

Highlights are included below:

“What I have been begging is for President Obama to stand up and lead, for John Kerry to stand up and lead,” Sen. Cruz said. “Nobody has the bully pulpit like the President of the United States, and the President needs to say to the President of Sudan, free Meriam now. We will not allow you to torture and execute this young mother simply for being a Christian. Her husband is a U.S. citizen, her children are U.S. citizens, free them now and bring them back to America.

“This is an opportunity for President Obama to do the right thing, but also to be celebrated in a bipartisan way—there’s no one whose voice can have the impact as the President of the United States. His leadership is needed.”


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