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ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Tours Texas With Concerned Veterans for America

Sits down with local Texas news stations to discuss veterans issues and health care reform

AUSTIN, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) last week participated in a series of ‘Defend & Reform’ town halls with Concerned Veterans for America (CVA). Throughout the week, Sen. Cruz sat down with local news stations, including KXAN’S Phil Prazen, KTRK’s Tom Abrahams, KTVT’s Jack Fink, NBC 5’s Julie Fine and Dallas Morning News’ Gromer Jeffers, Spectrum News’ Karina Kling and KRIV’s Greg Groogan. There, Sen. Cruz discussed many issues important to Texans, including is work on behalf of veterans and his efforts on health care reform.

When asked about his work on behalf of veterans, Sen. Cruz reaffirmed his commitment to bringing accountability to the VA, and expanding veteran’s choices.

“We need substantially more accountability, accountability within the VA like any government institution and the VA is not exception,” Sen. Cruz said to Tom Abrahams. 

When asked about health care reform, Sen. Cruz highlighted his efforts to lower health insurance premiums with his Consumer Freedom Amendment.

“The existing choices remain there but it adds additional new choices, low cost affordable plans, because there are millions of people, millions of Texans who can’t afford health insurance right now but they may well want it if it were cheaper, if it were more affordable,” Sen. Cruz said to Phil Prazen. “That’s what I am fighting to do. If we can adopt that, I believe that this bill will pass and I believe that it will make a difference for families that are struggling.”

Sen. Cruz continued, “What the Consumer Freedom Amendment does is it keeps the mandates. It says that in any given state there will be policies that meet all the mandates, that have all the bells and whistles, the full Cadillac plan. I think that at the end of the day you know more about your healthcare needs. I trust you to choose, I trust you with freedom, I trust you to care about your family’s needs more than anyone in Washington.”

The full interviews may be found below:

Sen. Cruz interview with KXAN’s Phil Prazen

Sen. Cruz interview with KTRK’s Tom Abrahams

Sen. Cruz interview with KTVT’s Jack Fink

Sen. Cruz interview with NBC 5’s Julie Fine and Dallas Morning News’ Gromer Jeffers

Sen. Cruz interview with Spectrum News’ Karina Kling

Sen. Cruz interview with KRIV’s Greg Groogan


Related Issues

  1. Veterans
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