ICYMI: Sen. Ted Cruz Pledges to Oppose Legislation that Prohibits Americans’ 2nd Amendment Rights
Signs Letter with Sens. Lee and Paul to Sen. Reid
WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) with Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rand Paul (R-KY) sent a letter to Majority Leader Harry Reid pledging to oppose legislation that would prohibit Americans’ Second Amendment rights. Click here to view the letter.
“Rather than restricting the rights of law-abiding Americans, we should be focusing on violent criminals. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration has not made it a priority to stop violent criminals from acquiring firearms; for example, in 2010, out of more than 15,700 fugitives and felons who tried to illegally purchase a firearm, the Obama Justice Department prosecuted only 44.
“As the Senate prepares to consider guns legislation, I remain committed to ensuring that Americans' right to keep and bear arms is defended and upheld. Congress should not create new legislation restricting the rights of law-abiding Americans. The Democrats' proposed legislation would require universal background checks for private sales between law-abiding citizens, which according to DOJ would be effective only if accompanied by a national gun registry. This raises serious constitutional issues, and would divert resources from prosecuting felons and fugitives who try to illegally purchase guns.
“I am prepared to use any procedural means necessary to ensure that Congress does not pass any laws infringing on the Second Amendment, and look forward to working alongside Sens. Lee and Paul, and hopefully others, to protect our constitutional rights.”