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New Emails Escalate Need for Special Prosecutor

Sen Cruz: A special prosecutor with real independence should be appointed immediately

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today made the following statement regarding new emails between IRS employees and other government officials released by a watchdog group.

“After emails showed that Lois Lerner was communicating directly with the Department of Justice, I sent Attorney General Holder a letter asking him to reconsider his decision to not appoint a special prosecutor in the IRS targeting scandal. And now today more emails have surfaced, this time showing that IRS targeting of Tea Party groups was coordinated from Washington D.C.—contrary to the Administration’s initial story that this was all done by lower ranking IRS officials in Cincinnati.

“So we now know the Department of Justice was involved with the IRS targeting, and the Administration’s initial explanation about the targeting was false. This Administration has lost all credibility to investigate this partisan scandal, especially given that they have entrusted the investigation to be led by a major Democratic donor. A special prosecutor with real independence should be appointed immediately.”
