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Sen. Cruz: American Workers Are the Backbone of Our Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement in recognition of Labor Day: 

“This Labor Day weekend, we celebrate the Americans who keep our economic engine running strong.

“As I’ve traveled across the state to visit with veterans, small business owners, farmers, community leaders, servicemen and women, and many other Texans, I’ve seen firsthand the tireless spirit of hard work that courses through each and every one of them. Americans possess a unique industrialism and thirst for opportunity that has been the backbone of our free enterprise system. 

“Unfortunately, President Obama continues to stifle the American workforce with onerous regulations and increasingly burdensome taxes, resulting in the lowest labor force participation rate in nearly 40 years. 

“Our nation has long been the land of opportunity, but the Obama administration has spent nearly eight years preventing businesses and individuals from reaching their full potential. I will continue to do everything in my power to scale back government intervention in our economy and let American workers do what they do best: innovate, grow, and prosper.” 
