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Sen. Cruz: ‘By Any Measure Kavanaugh Is Eminently Qualified’

Describes Judge Kavanaugh as ‘one of the most respected federal appellate judges in the country’ on San Antonio’s Trey Ware Show

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today appeared on San Antonio’s Trey Ware Show to discuss Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing, where he described Kavanaugh as “one of the most respected federal appellate judges in the country.”

When asked about the disruptions and protestors on Tuesday, Sen. Cruz discussed the coordinated effort by Senate Democrats to delay and stall the hearing.

“That circus – what was also clear was it was a coordinated political stunt by the Democrats,” Sen. Cruz said. “One of the most revealing exchanges was near the beginning of the day when Senator John Kennedy asked if it was true that there had been a conference call with the Democratic Senators and the protestors and activists agreeing that this would be their tactic. And Senator Dick Durbin responded and he said yes, there was a conference call and he didn’t deny that the whole thing was planned to have screaming rude protestors disrupt every minute or two. I think it is a manifestation of just how extreme and just how angry the far left is. And you’re seeing that rage spill forward on your television set.”

He went on to note that Senate Democrats have not suggested Judge Kavanaugh is not qualified, but rather have spent their time railing against President Trump.

“Both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh – not a single Democrat has suggested they weren’t qualified,” Sen. Cruz said. “By any measure Kavanaugh is eminently qualified. He has impeccable academic credentials. He was a law clerk at the U.S. Supreme Court; he’s been a federal appellate judge for over a decade on a court widely considered the second highest court in the land. And he is by any measure one of the most respected federal appellate judges in the country. And so not a single Democrat yesterday suggested that he wasn’t qualified for the Court. Interestingly enough, most of the Democrats didn’t even have a word of criticism about his over 300 published opinions – what he’s actually decided as a judge. Instead, they spent their time railing about documents, which is a red herring since he’s produced more documents than the past five Supreme Court nominees combined. Produced over a half million pages. And the other thing they rail about is they just attack President Trump. And it’s clear that the extreme left hates President Trump, but at the end of the day, President Trump hasn’t been nominated to be on the Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh has been and I’m confident Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed.” 

Listen to the interview here
