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Sen. Cruz: Any Effort to Pack D.C. Circuit Court Should be

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) rebuked President Obama’s attempt to pack the D.C. Circuit Court in the Senate Judiciary Committee saying:

“The President and senior Democrats on this Committee have made clear that they want to pick a fight on the D.C. Circuit. And unfortunately I believe part of this pressure, part of the effort of stopping qualified Republican nominees and then deciding to pick a fight now is a desire to pack the court.

“The D.C. Circuit has been a court that has been holding this Administration accountable and in particular holding rulemaking accountable that has been contrary to federal law. And I believe there is an activist base that is pressuring the President, that is pressuring senior Senate Democrats, to get judicial nominees on the D.C. Circuit to protect the regulations coming from this Administration.

“And I think any effort to pack the court because the Administration doesn’t like the outcomes of judges applying the law fairly should be decried.”

View video of the Senator’s remarks below:
