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Sen. Cruz Commends President Obama for Calling for Release of Saeed Abedini and Kenneth Bae

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, commended the President for his latest statement of support for American pastor Saeed Abedini, currently imprisoned in Iran:

“I commend President Obama for mentioning, by name, Pastor Saeed Abedini and Kenneth Bae at the Prayer Breakfast this morning. There are many things on which we disagree, but the cruel imprisonment of a American citizens by the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for the profession of their Christian faith is not one of them. We all pray for their swift release, and I hope the President’s administration follows through and sends a clear message that the United States condemns this unlawful detention of one of our citizens and will raise the issue clearly and emphatically at every opportunity."


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