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Sen. Cruz Commends Trump Administration Announcement to Rescind Hong Kong’s Privileged Status Under U.S. Law

“An unfortunate but necessary step we need to take to safeguard our national security”

HOUSTON, Texas - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today issued the following statement applauding President Trump's decision to rescind Hong Kong's trade status under U.S. law as a result of actions taken by the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Republic of China to deepen their control of Hong Kong:

"As President Trump made clear today, the United States will not stand by and allow tyrants in China to exploit the special treatment Hong Kong has received under U.S. law. Rescinding Hong Kong's privileged trade status with the United States is an unfortunate but necessary step we need to take to safeguard our national security and to send a message to the Chinese government that its violation of Hong Kong's autonomy will not be tolerated. I have long called for a reassessment of our relationship with Hong Kong if China continued to erode its freedoms, which is why I introduced the Hong Kong Policy Reevaluation Act, a version of which was signed into law by President Trump last year. I will continue working with my colleagues and the Trump administration to ensure that we stand with our allies and stand strong against China's continued aggression in the region."

Last year, Sen. Cruz introduced the Hong Kong Policy Reevaluation Act of 2019, which requires the State Department to report on whether China was eroding Hong Kong's autonomy, and to alter U.S. policy if it was. A version of the bill was signed into law in November 2019 as part of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.

In October 2019, as part of his Indo-Pacific ‘Friends and Allies' tour, Sen. Cruz met with pro-democracy activists, dissidents, and protest leaders in Hong Kong and expressed his support for those fighting to protect Hong Kong's autonomy, free speech, and basic human rights.

Further, Sen. Cruz has called for a fundamental reassessment of the U.S.-China relationship, and has introduced numerous bills to unwind the United States from China. Read more about Sen. Cruz's comprehensive push to reassess the United States' relationship with China here.


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