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Sen. Cruz Condemns Biden Administration Closing Eagle Pass Bridge for Second Time

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) released the following statement after the Biden administration’s Customs and Border Protections (CBP) Office of Field Operations closed vehicle processing at Bridge 1 and the international railway crossing bridge in Eagle Pass and El Paso, Texas in order to accommodate illegal aliens illegally crossing the Texas-Mexico border. This is the second time the bridge has been closed for this reason in 2023.

“The Biden administration has announced CBP will issue yet another closure of two Texas-Mexico rail bridges, which will stop critical goods like farmers' grain and other consumer goods from flowing between our countries. President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas's failed immigration policies must not stand in the way of commerce. We frankly need to increase the flow of commercial traffic between the U.S. and Mexico, and I have been leading the fight in Congress to remove unnecessary barriers and build new international bridges. Instead, this administration is prioritizing the processing of illegal aliens and won't even staff the bridges we already have. We need legal commerce, not illegal immigration. Time to prioritize American families and keep the bridges open!"