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Sen. Cruz: Discharging Kristen Clarke’s Troubled Nomination From Committee Grave Error

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today issued the following statement after the nomination of Kristen Clarke to serve as Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division was discharged from the Judiciary Committee when it failed to advance her nomination:

"As I've said repeatedly, Kristen Clarke is a radical extremist with a laundry list of concerning issues plaguing her nomination that go far beyond her support for defunding the police. It should come as no surprise Democrats failed to advance her nomination out of the Judiciary Committee by a majority vote and are now forced to use other tactics to bring her troubled nomination to the floor - which I believe is a grave error. I will continue to urge my colleagues to reject Ms. Clarke's nomination."

WATCH: Cruz: Advancing Kristen Clarke's Nomination Puts Democrats on Record Supporting Defunding the Police
