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Sen. Cruz Introduces Bill to Memorialize Bastrop Post Office in Honor of Eight-Time Purple Heart Recipient Sergeant Major Billy Waugh

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) introduced legislation today to designate the United States Post Office located on Main Street in Bastrop, Texas as the “Sergeant Major Billy D. Waugh Post Office.” Renaming the post office in Bastrop would memorialize his courageous service to our country in the town he called home throughout his life.

Upon introduction, Sen. Cruz said, “Sergeant Major Billy D. Waugh was a local and national hero who dedicated his life in service to his country. As an Army paratrooper, Special Forces soldier, combat veteran, member of the United States Postal Service, and paramilitary operations officer in the CIA, his humble sacrifices for his country are an honorable reflection of what truly defines an American hero. I am proud to be leading legislation to name the Bastrop, Texas post office to honor his legacy so that he may continue to inspire generations of Texans to come.”

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said, “Sergeant Major Waugh was a decorated combat war veteran, receiving eight Purple Heart awards during his five decades of dedicated service to our country. I am proud to designate this USPS facility in his hometown of Bastrop in his honor, and I hope it will serve as a reminder of his impressive legacy and lifetime of service.”

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) said, “Sergeant Major Waugh epitomized the American values of courage, patriotism, and self-sacrifice. Through his unparalleled life of service, he undoubtedly saved countless American lives and pushed back terrorism and evil around the world. Naming a landmark like the Bastrop Post Office after Sergeant Major Waugh would be an enduring testament to a life well-lived — and an opportunity for all Texans to pay homage to this great American hero.”

Sen. Cruz was joined by several members of the Texas Congressional delegation in introducing the bill, including Sen. Cornyn, and Rep. McCaul who introduced the bill in the House of Representatives.

Read the full text of the bill here.


Sergeant Major Billy D. Waugh was born in December 1929 and raised in Bastrop, Texas. He served his country as an Army paratrooper and Special Forces soldier from 1948 to 1972, including seven years in combat during the Korean and Vietnam wars. He also was part of the first high-altitude, low-opening (HALO) combat parachute assault in military history.

For his military service, Sargant Major Waugh received dozens of awards and medals, including eight Purple Hearts for his combat wounds — placing him third on the list of most Purple Hearts ever received. After retirement, he joined the United States Postal Service before again serving his country as a paramilitary operations officer in the Central Intelligence Agency, where he successfully pursued terrorists including Carlos the Jackal and Osama Bin Laden.

He eventually returned to his hometown of Bastrop and passed away in April 2023 at the age of 93.
