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Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Deadly Act of Terror in Istanbul

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement in response to the horrific terrorist attack at Turkey’s largest airport: 

“Yet again, ISIS has demonstrated the deadly determination of radical Islamic terrorists to attack all those who do not share their ideology, even in an overwhelmingly Muslim majority country like Turkey,” Sen. Cruz said. “This is the same vicious enemy that has attacked innocents in recent weeks from Tel Aviv to Paris to Orlando to Somalia, and which has once again targeted a major international airport where citizens of any given country or religion might be victims.

“We have to recognize this enemy for what it claims to be, which is a radical Islamic movement to violently impose their totalitarian Sharia law on the globe. Just today, I chaired a hearing to assess the Obama administration’s consistent effort to scrub any reference to radical Islamic terrorism and to pretend that the threat does not exist. It should be the number one obligation of the Commander-in-Chief to acknowledge our enemies and direct our resources to stopping them.” 


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