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Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Terrorist Attack in Somalia

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement on the brutal act of terror in Somalia:

“As our nation and the world continue to heal from the horrific attack in Orlando earlier this month, we have once again witnessed a vicious attack on innocent people going about their daily lives,” Sen. Cruz said. “This afternoon, it was a suicide bomber at the Nasa Hablod airport hotel, which was then stormed by gunmen with al Shabaab, an al Qaeda-affiliated Islamic terrorist group.

“Whether ISIS or al Qaeda or Hamas, whether foreign or domestic, one thing is certain – these radical Islamic terrorists will not tire until they have killed everyone who does not adhere to their extreme beliefs. From Fort Hood to Boston, Brussels to Paris, Tel Aviv to Orlando, radical Islamic terrorism has declared jihad.  

“These terrorists do not single out Jews or Christians, policemen or travelers. They are determined to murder anyone who does not comply with their radical Islamist ideology.  

“Now is a time for action. We need a Commander-in-Chief who will speak the truth, who will address the enemy we face, who will unleash the full force and fury of the American military on defeating the terrorists.”



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