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Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Tiananmen Square

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today released the following statement:

Sen. Cruz said, “35 years ago, on June 4, 1989, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sent thousands of soldiers into Tiananmen Square to attack protesters who had peacefully assembled to advocate for freedom in China. The protestors courageously refused to disperse and the CCP’s army opened fire, murdering hundreds.

“Despite the ongoing and unremitting efforts of the CCP to erase this event from history, freedom-loving Chinese people at home and democracies abroad continue to mark and commemorate June 4. The world will never forget the image of a solitary man standing in defiance of a line of tanks. That image continues to stir hearts.

“Today, we remember those murdered in Tiananmen Square and continue to advocate for freedom with the brave Chinese dissidents who continue to stand up, often alone. I am proud to stand with them.”

Sen. Cruz believes that China is the “single greatest geopolitical threat of our time.” He has worked ceaselessly to advance the cause and cases of dissidents. He has also filed and advanced over a dozen pieces of legislation countering Chinese aggression.

  • In March of this year, Sen. Cruz condemned the CCP’s tightening of influence over Hong Kong, and persistent attempts to erode their freedom and autonomy. He also introduced a resolution marking this year’s 65th anniversary of Tibet’s fight for its religious freedom and cultural heritage.
  • In December of last year, Sen. Cruz called for the immediate release of Jimmy Lai, a dissident and the founder of the pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, who is being unjustly detained by the Chinese Communist Party and subjected to an illegitimate trial without his choice of legal representation.
  • In April of 2020, Sen. Cruz introduced  a bill to hold the CCP accountable for its role in the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • In October 2019, as part of his Indo-Pacific “Friends and Allies” tour, Sen. Cruz met with pro-democracy activists, dissidents, and protest leaders in Hong Kong and expressed his support for those fighting to protect Hong Kong’s autonomy, free speech, and basic human rights.
  • Sen. Cruz has called for a fundamental reassessment of the U.S.-China relationship, and has introduced numerous bills to unwind the United States from China. Read more about Sen. Cruz’s comprehensive push to reassess the U.S. relationship with China here.
