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Sen. Cruz: Khatallah Capture is Tribute to the Valor of our Armed Forces

Statement on Capture of Terrorist Involved in Benghazi Attack

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, today released the following statement regarding the capture of Ahmed Abu Khatallah:

“The apprehension of Ahmed Abu Khatallah, who participated in the vicious terrorist attack against our people and facilities in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, is a tribute to the valor and skill of our armed forces and the FBI who participated in this mission,” Sen. Cruz said. “I hope his capture will bring some peace to the families of the four brave Americans we lost that night: Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty and Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

“Khatallah has been openly defying the United States for more than twenty months. Now that he is in custody, the proper authorities should be given ample time to assess what intelligence he may have about ongoing terrorist operations against Americans. Khatallah is a foreign terrorist, captured by our special forces overseas for his violent attack on a U.S. facility. He belongs in Guantanamo and in the military justice system, not in the U.S. civilian court system with the constitutional protections afforded U.S. citizens. Our top priority should be preventing future attacks and bringing to justice the other terrorists who participated in the murder of four Americans in Benghazi.”


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