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Sen. Cruz Meets With Texas Educators, Business Leaders, and Agriculture Constituent Groups

Participates in a Q&A at Texas Association of Business National Affairs Conference; Meets with The Plains Cotton Cooperative, Texas A&M President, and El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Wednesday, delivered remarks at the Texas Association of Businesses National Affairs, before participating in a Q&A with attendees. There, he discussed the importance of trade to the Texas economy, and the vital trade opportunities available within the Western Hemisphere through NAFTA modernization. He also shared his efforts urging the President to expand access to Mexican and Canadian markets, and pass historic regulatory reforms by attaching the REINS Act to NAFTA renegotiation.

“Trade is the most frequent concern I hear from the business community and from farmers and ranchers in Texas,” Sen. Cruz said. “I look at something like NAFTA renegotiation  and believe it could be good, or it could be bad. The agreement is over 20 years old. If NAFTA renegotiation is used to erect barriers to the U.S. market and constrict trade, then I think would be bad, not only for Texas, but for the country as well. If on the other hand it is used to expand our access to the Mexican markets, the Canadian markets, and increase international trade, that’s a good thing.  It’s good for Texas and it’s a good thing for the country.”

Sen. Cruz also held meetings in his D.C. Senate office throughout the day, including with The Plains Cotton Cooperative, Michael Young, President, Texas A&M University, and the El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to discuss a number of issues important to Texans across the Lone Star State. Still photos of the meetings are below.

Sen. Cruz with The Plains Cotton Cooperative

Sen. Cruz with Michael Young, President of Texas A&M University

Sen. Cruz with the El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
