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Sen. Cruz: New Yorkers’ Resolve, Courage, and Compassion in the Face of Terror Personifies the American Spirit

Releases statement on New York radical Islamic terror attack, calls for ending ‘Diversity Lottery’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) issued the following statement in the wake of Tuesday’s radical Islamic terrorist attack in New York City:

“Yesterday’s attack in New York by an Uzbek national who senselessly murdered eight innocent people and injured 11 more is a stark reminder that even though there has been progress in dismantling ISIS’s strongholds, the threat of radical Islamic terrorism to our way of life is as real as ever. The tactics used by the assailant disturbingly mirror the kinds of attacks we have seen in recent years – in London, Jerusalem, Berlin, Nice, Paris, Stockholm, Barcelona. While some have described this attacker as a ‘lone wolf,’ we would be naïve to not recognize that this attack is the result of radicalization and propaganda efforts pushed by ISIS and similar groups all across the internet in order to grow their ranks in every corner of the world. These are the same kind of attacks that radical Islamists will continue to pursue in their jihadist endeavor to spread their toxic ideology and destroy the liberty embraced by the United States and other Western nations.

“While details are still emerging, we do know that the attacker was admitted to the U.S. by what is called the ‘Diversity Lottery,’ which in fact does very little to promote diversity and I believe establishes an arbitrary, unjustified means to provide a path to the precious privilege of U.S. citizenship. I have long opposed this program and agree with the President that we should examine how to move forward with ending it. As we learn more about this individual in the days and weeks ahead, Congress must be on notice to ensure we respond in a way that protects all Americans from the threat posed by radical Islamic terrorism in the future.

“Our prayers are with all those killed and injured yesterday, and with their families. We are grateful for the swift action of the NYPD and all other first responders who stopped the terrorist, prevented further loss of life, and treated the wounded. New Yorkers' resolve, courage, and compassion in the face of this terror is a reminder of what makes this nation great and an example of the strength that personifies the American spirit.”


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