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Sen. Cruz: North Korea’s Dangerous Actions Underscore the Gravity of Nuclear Threats We Face

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today released the following statement in response to reports of North Korea testing a nuclear weapon: 

“North Korea’s actions underscore the gravity of the threats we are facing right now, and also the sheer folly of the Obama-Clinton foreign policy,” said Sen. Cruz. “It’s worth remembering, North Korea was able to obtain nuclear weapons because of an agreement negotiated by the Clinton administration. The Clinton administration led the world in relaxing sanctions against North Korea, allowing them to develop nuclear weapons. As a result, we are now facing a megalomaniacal dictator who has conducted four nuclear tests, is assessed to have approximately 15 nuclear weapons, and with today’s announcement, has expressed a clear desire to obtain a hydrogen bomb.” 

Cruz continued: “The same failed Clinton policies that led to this unnecessary crisis have been repeated by the Obama administration. Instead of containing the spread of nuclear weapons, Obama is following a proven path to failure. Today’s test and North Korea’s stated ambition to obtain a hydrogen bomb are clear indicators of Iran’s future capabilities if the administration continues down this path.”

In addition to a nuclear program, North Korea and Iran both continue to pursue a ballistic missile program, and both are in violation of UN Security Council Resolutions that prohibit such activity.  While specifics of North Korea’s test are still unfolding, the test itself is also a violation of UN Security Council resolutions.  


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